Company Definition

The Company Definition frame is used to setup basic information about your organization. This data is used when printing reports, invoices, and other company documents generated by the M5 system.


General tab

The General Tab contains Business Name & Address information.


Corporate Name – The official corporate name of your organization.

Web Address – The organization’s website.

Division Name – For example your corporate name is City of… and your division is Fleet Services. This name will be used at the top of each Crystal Report.

Address – Your organization’s address.

City – City where your organization is located.

Short Name – Can be used for any kind of abbreviated name your organization may have.

Logo File – File path for your logo.

State/Zip Code – State where your organization is located and the zip code for your mailing address.

Phone – The main or official number for your organization.


The Slogan section is a free form note field to enter a company slogan, if applicable.


Remit To tab

The Remit To tab is used to enter payment information that will appear on invoice documents.


Contact – Name of the entity payments should be made to (for example, Accounts Receivable).

Address – Street address/name where payments should be mailed.

City – Part of the mailing address.

Phone – Phone number of the department or entity where payment inquires can be made.

State/Zip Code - Part of the mailing address.

Country – Country code.

E-Mail – Email address for department or entity where payment inquiries can be sent.


In the Bill Instructions section, you can enter any additional notes or instructions that pertain to billing or payment processes. This is a free form notes field.


Account Template tab

If your organization wants to use segmented account numbers, templates for validated formats can be set up on the Account Template tab.


Note: Do not add segments on this tab if your organization does not intend to use the template function. Adding segments when using the Direct Account Table can cause issues with the table functionality.


Use Direct Account Table – The default value is Y when you select the checkbox. If you want to use segmented account numbers the checkbox should be clear. If set to Y, the users will get the original Direct Account List of Values when using frames with Direct Account fields. If N, a new List of Values will display that will allow segments based on the template created here.

Segment delimiter – Select the checkbox for the type of delimiter to be used between each segment, for example a dash (-) or a slash (/).

Preserve alignment spaces – For example, if the minimum length for a segment is two and the maximum length is ten and you want to preserve the additional eight spaces, you would check this box.

Description – Enter a default description for the new template. This field has a limit of 30 characters.


Account Template Manager i-frame

Segment – Enter name to describe the segment, this field has a limit of ten characters.

Position – Enter a number to determine the segment’s position within the account number.

Min Length – 1 to 100 (the sum of all segments cannot exceed 100).

Max Length – 1 to 100 (the sum of all segments cannot exceed 100).

Is Required – Determines if the segment can be blank or is required to have a value.

Validate Against – Determines what each segment is validated against. Options:


Show/Hide Direct Account Test – Select the button to display the Direct Account Test Field at the bottom of the frame.


Tech Spec Template tab

If System Flag 5268 is set to Y, you can create Tech Spec Templates. A dialog box on Tech Spec Main will ask if you want a list of existing Tech Specs or if you want to create a new one.

Tech Spec Template Manager i-frame

Segment – Enter a segment label or description (for example Year).

Position – The position of the segment in the tech spec number.

Length – Enter a number length (for example, 2).

MfgMkModel – Select the checkbox if the segment should be validated against the manufacturer, make, and model table.

Validate – Select the Validate button to create your own list of values for the segment. Values entered will be the only acceptable values for the segment.


Fuel Focus tab

The Fuel Focus tab should be used if your organization is splitting fuel information between servers. In the Web Service URL field, enter the URL of the server to connect to.


In the Commercial Vendor field, enter the vendor that resides in the other database. The vendor will be used for the internal unit fuel charge in the other database. This vendor must reside in both databases.


System Flags

See the System Flags Table for a complete listing of system flags.


See also:

Direct Account Codes


Department Corporate Hierarchy


System Flags


Tech Spec Main 


Company Definition Reference Guide.



Last Update: 06/06/2016