The State Codes frame is used to create and maintain a list of State Codes that are associated with a Country Code. M5 is delivered with the state codes for both the United States and Canada already set up. State and Country Codes are used throughout the system as a part of location and addressing functions.
Country Codes
To view State Codes, you must first click on a Country Code in the top section of the frame. The list of valid State Codes associated with that country will load in the i-frame below.
If you want to create a new Country Code, click in the last blank code field in the i-frame and enter the new code. This field has a limit of three characters.
Next enter a description. This field has a limit of 50 characters. In the State Code Length field you can designate the character limit for the State Codes that will be associated with the new Country Code. Then click Save. The new Country Code will be available for use and you can add valid State Codes below.
You can delete a Country Code provided is not being used anywhere in the system, otherwise you will not be able to remove the code. There is no disable function on this frame.
To delete, click in the row of the country you want to disable to make it active. Click the Delete Button (Red X) at the top of the frame. Then click Save. The record will be removed from the system.
Valid State Codes
The Valid State Codes i-frame displays the list of State Codes associated with a particular Country Code. To add a new State Code, click in the last blank State Code field at the bottom of the i-frame.
Type in the new State Code. The max length of this field will depend on the value entered in the State Code Length field in the Country Codes section.
Enter a Description, typically you would enter the name of the state here. This field has a limit of 30 characters. Click Save. The new State Code will be available for use.
You can delete a State Code provided is not being used anywhere in the system, otherwise you will not be able to remove the code. There is no disable function on this frame.
To delete, click in the row of the state you want to disable to make it active. Click the Delete Button (Red X) at the top of the frame. Then click Save. The record will be removed from the system.
System Flags
5007 – Default Country Code – The system default Country Code is ‘1’ for the United States. Valid codes are maintained on the State/Country Code frame.
Last Update: 06/06/2016
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.