System/Assembly Codes

Units are composites of various systems. For example, a vehicle's frame is a system, as are its brakes and air conditioning. Each system is made up of a number of assemblies.
For example, a brake system's assemblies may include brake lines, front brakes and drums.


The System/Assembly Codes frame allows you to create and maintain a set of codes to identify individual parts commonly grouped together in a system. M5 comes delivered with a set of codes based on the American Trucking Association (ATA) standards. You can use these codes or design your own codes to meet the needs of your organization. This frame also gives you the ability to define position code requirements when work is performed on a specific System/Assembly. You can also designate which position codes are valid for the system assembly on the System/Assembly Positions frame.


How to:

Create an System/Assembly code

  1. Enter a new code in the Code field or select from the System Codes list.

  2. Enter a code Description.

  3. Define the Position Code requirements (for example, Position Code Part Chg).

  4. Define the Priority, if applicable.

  5. Select Save.

Modify a System/Assembly code

  1. Select the Code row.
  2. Change the applicable Component Details.
  3. Select Save.

Note: When you select Save, the Code field is read-only.

Disable a System/Assembly code

  1. Select the Code row.
  2. Select the Disabled checkbox.
  3. Select Save.

Delete a System/Assembly Code

  1. Select the Code row.
  2. Select Delete. The system highlights the fields red.
  3. Select Save.

Note: You can only delete a system/assembly Code when it is not used on other tables in the system.

System Code

Indicates the system code and a description of the code.

Component Details 

Code Indicates the system code. Limited to three characters.
Description Description of the system code. Limited to 45 characters.
Restrictions (link) Displays the System Codes Restrictions window that allows you to view system code restrictions by:
  • MCC Codes
  • Asset Types
  • Category Codes
  • Location Groups
  • Department Groups
  • Tech Spec Codes

Select >> to add a code to the restricted box, and then select Save. Select x to return to the System Codes frame.

The Restriction link will highlight as red after you add restriction.
Disabled Select the checkbox to disable the system code.
Job Quantity Values are blank, YES, or NO.
Cross Ref Customer specific field.
Position Code Part Chg Values are NEVER (default), SOMETIMES, ALWAYS for position codes on part charges.
Position Code Labor Chg Values are NEVER (default), SOMETIMES, ALWAYS for position codes on labor charges.
Position Code Comm Chg Values are NEVER (default), SOMETIMES, ALWAYS for position codes on commercial charges.
Position Code Unit Assoc Values are NEVER (default), SOMETIMES, ALWAYS for position codes on unit associations
Priority Enter a number between one and nine.


See also:


Position Codes

System/Assembly Positions




Last Update: 06/06/2016                    02/2023




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Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.