Unit Of Measure


The Unit of Measure frame is where you create and maintain a list of codes to define quantities used for specific measurements of products and parts. In addition to standard units of measure such as gallons, liter, feet, or meters you have the option to define custom units, such as BOX or BUND to meet your organization’s needs.



To create a new unit of measurement, select a blank Code field and enter a new code. This field has a limit of 11 characters.


Enter a description in the Description field. The field has a limit of 20 characters.


The Default checkbox can only be used on one unit of measure code. Typically it is the most common code for your organization that should receive this designation.


USG Conversion Factor – The figure to be used by the system to convert any UOM to any other UOM. For example, a UOM of GAL would have a 1 in the new column. A UOM of LIT (or any other name for “liter” of the client’s choosing) and it would have a factor of .264172.


After all the information has been entered, select the SAVE button at the top of the frame. The new unit of measure will be available for use.



To modify a unit of measure, select the Code to enter the new information in or select or clear the Disabled or Default checkbox. Select SAVE to update the record.


After a code has been saved the Code field becomes read-only. You will not be able to modify the value in that field.



To disable a unit of measure, select the Disabled checkbox for the Code you want to disable. Select the SAVE button. The code will no longer be available for use.



You can delete a unit of measure provided the code is not in use on any other tables in the system. If the code is in use, you will not be able to delete the unit of measure.


To delete a Unit of Measure that is not in use, select the Code you want to delete to make it active. Select the DELETE button. The selected row will turn red. Select SAVE to delete the code from the system.


System Flags

See the System Flags Table for a complete listing of system flags.




Last Update: 06/06/2016




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.