Part Issue

This screen allows you to issue stock or non-stock parts from your inventory location to a Work Order, Unit, Department, Direct or Indirect Account. Typically a part is issued so that repairs may be completed for jobs on a work order however, other choices are available as well.


There are many system flags that impact functionality on this frame. Some notable flags are: 5260, 5017, 5013 and 5052. For more details please see System Flags or the System Flag section below.


First select the Stock Type. The selection made here will determine what fields are available and required in the areas below. When issuing a part from a Part Kit, you will be shown a list of parts in the kit in a content window. You have the option to not issue any parts from the kit by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button.  


Stock parts may be issued to any of the Issue To selections. Non-Stock parts may also be issued to any of the Issue To selections. But if the non-stock part is not in the system yet it will have to be created in the New Non-stock part frame that will appear.


The Commercial charges stock type is designed for interfacing to a specific external accounting system. Consult with the M5 support team prior to using this option.


Next, enter the Issuing Employee No. and the Effective Date. Depending on your Stock Type selection you will see some of the fields below. Complete the fields required and click on save to issue the parts.



For more details see the Inventory Application User Training Guide.



System Flags

1217 - Print part issue ticket? 0=no, 1=on inventory issue, 2=on part transfer, 3=both - Print part issue ticket? 0=no; 1= on inventory issue.  this flag allows the user to generate a part issue ticket each time a part is issued (1), transferred (2) or issued and transferred (3). The default is "0".


1220 - Print unit markup cost, 0=none, 1=on inv. issue, 2=on part xfer, 3=both - This flag allows the user to print unit mark up on part issue ticket when the inventory is issued (1), when the part is transferred (2), when the inventory is issued or the part is transferred (3). The default is "0".


1321 - Failure Code required for Part Issues? (Y/N) - "Failure Code required for Part Issues?"  If set to "Y", then a failure code is required on every issue to explain what happened to the previously installed part.


1340 - Forbid part issues directly to units and departments? - If set to Yes, parts cannot be issued on receipt to either units or departments, and must be put into reserves.

If module flag 5030 is set to N, and

if module flag 1340 is set to N, then parts can be issued to Work Order, Unit Number, Direct Account, Indirect Account and Department.

if module flag 1340 is set to Y, then parts can be issued to Work Order, Direct Account and Indirect Account.

If module flag 5030 is set to Y, and

if module flag 1340 is set to N, then parts can be issued to Work Order and Unit Number.

if module flag 1340 is set to Y, then parts can be issued to Work Order only.


1343 - Allow issue of non-stock parts from Work Order Main? (Y/N/R) - If set to Y, allow non stock part issues on work order main part tab(default to retain existing functionality); If set to N, do not allow non stock part issues on work order main part tab; If set to R, allow only non stock part issues from reserves on work order main part tab.


2037 - Max qty to issue from the Work Order Main - Part Issues tab - Set Max Qty Value :This flag refers to the maximum number of a single part that can be issued to a WO, Unit or Account. This is to prevent accidental issues of too many parts. By setting this flag to 0, the users will not be able to issue parts to a WO, Unit or Account.


5013 - Show Employee column of the Part Issue screen - If this flag is set to Yes, then the Employee field will be displayed on the Part Issue frame and an Employee ID will be required at the time of issuance.


5015 - Use Failure Code on WO and Part Issue frame? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to Yes, then the Part Failure field will be displayed on the Part Issue frame and on the Part Issue tab of the Work Order frame.


5017 - Use Reference Number on Work Order and Part Issue? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to Yes, user can enter Reference Number on the Part Issue screen and this reference number will be displayed on the Part Issue tab of the Work Order screen.


5030 - Only allow the issue of parts to work order and unit? (Y/N) - Set this flag to Yes if parts are only to be issued to work orders and units and not departments or accounts.


5031 - Default Days to Warn when Same Part Issued? - Use this flag as the default value to warn the user that the same part has been issued to the same unit/work order within the number of days. To turn off this functionality, enter 0.


5052 - Default Part Issue Type to Non-Stock - When set to "Y", the stock type drop down field on Part Issue screen will have non-stock as default value. Otherwise, stock will be default value.


5054 - Use PO Line on part issue? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to Yes, the PO line will be visible from the Parts Issue frame.


5057 - The search default for the Part Issue frame should be by unit? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to Y, then the Part Issue frame will default to choose the work order number based upon the work order unit number.


5081 - Show contract on part issue? (Y/N) - This new module flag controls if the Contract field will display on the Part tab of the Work Order Main frame. Indicate NO to have the field hidden.


5145 - Print Part Pick ticket? 0=no, 1=on part issue, 2=on part transfer, 3=both - This flag allows the user to generate a Part Pick ticket each time inventory is (1) issued, (2) transferred or (3) issued and transferred. The default is (0).  The Pick Ticket will not print from the Work Order.


5157 - Show Direct Accounts on Part Issue and Part Return to Departments? (Y/N) - Setting this flag to "Y" will display the Direct Account field on the Part Issue and Part Return frames when the issue or return type is Department.


5209 - Add Core Charge to part issue extended cost? (Y/N) - This flag when set to "Y" will add Core Charge to the extended line cost for Part Issues.


5223 - Capture Employee Technician Number and PIN on Part Issue? (Y/N) - When this flag is set to "Y" a window will appear prompting the user to enter an Employee Number and PIN.  The employee must either be a technician or supervisor.  The Employee number will default to the login user Employee number.


5229 - Match Dept resource type for part issue (Y/N)? - This flag may enforce whether parts issued to a department must match the department resource types.


5277 - Allow AiM Work Orders/Phase on part issues and returns (Y/N)? - If this flag is set to "Y" and when a part is issued or returned to a direct account, the AiM web service will be called. If this flag is set to "N", M5 standard inventory functionality is in effect.


5345 - Use tax schemes for part issues to units and departments? (Y/N/O) - The default will be N. When flag value is Y, then apply tax scheme when issuing parts to units and departments. If O, apply tax scheme only when issuing parts to departments flagged as "outside", or the unit's using department is flagged as "outside".


5346 - Use tax schemes for labor issues to units and departments? (Y/N/O) - The default will be N. When flag value is Y, then apply tax scheme when issuing labor to units and departments. If O, apply tax scheme only when issuing labor to departments flagged as "outside", or the unit's using department is flagged as "outside".


5347 - Use tax schemes for commercial fuel issues to units and departments? (Y/N/O) - The default will be N. When flag value is Y, then apply tax scheme when issuing commercial fuel to units and departments. If O, apply tax scheme only when issuing commercial fuel to departments flagged as "outside", or the unit's using department is flagged as "outside".  If flag 1111 is "Y", then this flag is ignored and the traditional  "product tax codes" are used instead.


5460 - Warn If Part Being Issued Is Under Warranty? (Y/N) - Default value will be set to N. Setting this flag to Y, users will get a warning that that part being issued is under warranty when issuing from Part Issue and Work Order Main Part tab.


5461 - Display A Message to Let Users Know the Part Issuing Has a Core Charge? (Y/N) - Default value will be set to N. Setting this flag to Y, users will get a message when issuing a part that has a core charge on Part Issue, Work Order Main Part tab and Part Receive screen.


Role Privilege

MOBILE-PART ISSUE - Allows the user issue parts from a mobile device.


Last Updated 03/22/2021




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.