Part Return

The Part Return frame allows you to return a part from a Work Order, Unit/Comp Number, Indirect Account, Direct Account, Department, Stock Part, Non-Stock Reserves or a Credit Work Order. The return process will add the part back to the inventory location it was issued from. You can also return the part directly to a vendor.


Return Type

The standard fields Return From, Search from Date, PRO-Number, and Transaction Date To display for each type. In addition to the standard fields, each type displays additional fields:



Search From Date - Searches for parts issued from that date to the current date.

Parts Returned i-frame

All parts issued since the search date that match your criteria display in the Parts Returned i-frame. Returns for work orders that match the location you are currently signed in at display.

How to:

Return Type

  1. Select a type from the Return From dropdown.
  2. The Search From Date defaults to the current date and time. You can select the clock icon to enter a new date and time.
  3. Enter a Work Order Number, as applicable.
  4. Enter a Pro-Number, as applicable. Requires nine digits.
  5. Select a Transaction Date To from the dropdown or leave blank.
  6. Select the Retrieve button to display results in the Parts Returned i-frame.

Return a Part

Within the Parts Returned i-frame


  1. Select the part you are returning.

  2. Enter a Return Rsn or select from the Reason Code List for each part to be returned.

  3. Enter the Return Qty being returned.

  4. Enter a RMA/Ref No.

  5. Select SAVE.


Note: The returned value cannot exceed the original issued value. This does not apply to the Credit Work Order type.

Return a Credit Work Order  

Within the Parts Returned i-frame


  1. Enter a Work Order number or select from the Open/Completed Work Order Search. The Unit Number automatically displays.
  2. Enter a Job number or select from the Jobs on Work Order list. The Inventory Location automatically displays.
  3. Enter a Part No or select from the Stock Parts Catalog (with xrefs) at Location list. The Description automatically displays.
  4. Enter a Serial Number.
  5. Enter Avail Qty.
  6. Enter a Credit Qty amount.
  7. Enter Unit of Issue.
  8. Enter the Unit Cost.
  9. Optional. Enter a Return Rsn, Ref No, Fail Code, or Note.
  10. Select SAVE.


System Flags

2157 - Apply markup to the Credit Work Order option on the Part Return screen? (Y/N) - Setting this flag is set to 'Y' will apply markup to Credit Work Order. This transaction involves returning the part to stock, and the return to stock value becomes the credit value that will credit to the work order.  


5157 - Show Direct Accounts on Part Issue and Part Return to Departments? (Y/N) - Setting this flag to "Y" will display the Direct Account field on the Part Issue and Part Return frames when the issue or return type is Department.


5223 - Capture Employee Technician Number and PIN on Part Issue? (Y/N) - When this flag is set to "Y" a window will appear prompting the user to enter an Employee Number and PIN. The employee must either be a technician or supervisor. The Employee number will default to the login user Employee number.


5277 - Allow AiM Work Orders/Phase on part issues and returns? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y' and when a part is issued or returned to a direct account, the AiM web service will be called. If this flag is set to 'N', M5 standard inventory functionality is in effect.


5318 - Allow M5 to make changes to invoice number on Part Returns Frame? (Y/N) - Setting this system flag to 'Y' will allow invoice number change on part returns from issues. Setting this system flag to 'N' will not allow invoice number change on part returns from issues.


Role Privileges

CREDIT WORK ORDER - The authorization CREDIT WORK ORDER will determine whether the user can use the credit work order option on the part return frame.



For more details see the Inventory Application User Training Guide.


Last Updated: 10/26/2018 , 06/2024



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.