Physical Inventory Manager

The Physical Inventory Manager allows you to view and manage all physical inventories for your location and the status details for each one. It will help you execute the overall inventory process as you complete the physical counts and enter the quantities as needed.


As you progress through your inventory process the Status will change to indicate the step you are on. This Status determines what functions are available on the screen during that step of the process.


Inventory Statuses:



Select the row that contains the physical inventory to be processed. This activates the option buttons. Different buttons are available during different status stages:



System Flags

2020 - Close-part Inventory (Y) or Open-Part Inventory (N)? - This flag indicates whether the Physical Inventory process will be performed using an Open or Closed parts room scenario,i.e. will the user allow parts to be issued and  processed while the Physical Inventory process is going on?


5059 - Upload Physical Inventory Count? (Y/N) - This flag indicates if a remote processing device will be used to upload data from handheld devices in the physical inventory process.


5132 - Physical Inventory Count Sheet Line Items (9 to 20) - Choose the amount of line items per page for a Physical Inventory count sheet. Value range is between 9 and 20 inclusive.


Role Privileges

INV CYCLEDATE SPREAD - Allows a user to spread physical inventory cycle count dates.


MOBILE - PHYS INVTRY - Allows a user to conduct Physical Inventory activities with a mobile device/handheld.


For more details see the Inventory Application User Training Guide.


Last Updated: 03/28/2017




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.