Serialized Parts Physical Inventory
The Serialized Parts Physical Inventory frame allows you to conduct
counts of serialized parts and includes a report that can be run from
the MORE dropdown or icon. This
is intended to capture information on serialized parts that have not been
issued and therefore should be available on the shelf in the stock room.
The Location defaults to the
user's sign in location and can only be changed to those locations which
the user has access to.
In the Query Information section,
you can filter by:
- Commodity Code
- Part Number
- X-Refs, as applicable
- Bin number
- Status (None, Counted, In Progress, Selected)
- Physical Inv ID (for existing counts)
Note: Only serialized parts
appear on the i-frame when you run the query, even if the bin contains
non-serialized parts. The i-frame columns display as read-only and displays
100 records. If your query returns more than 100 records, you will have
to refine your search criteria.
How to:
To run a new count
- Enter filter criteria.
- Select the Retrieve button.
- Select the New Count button.
- Select the SAVE button.
Perform the Inventory
- Select the MORE button
or icon.
- Select Part Physical Inventory
Report to run the report. The Run
Immediate report viewer window launches.
- When finished, the report will display the inventory information.
- Using the report sheet, mark each part number appropriately by
selecting the Verify or Missing checkbox in the row for
the part.
- When finished processing the rows, select SAVE.
You can process only some of the rows and return to the inventory at
a later time, as applicable. This updates the Status
to In Progress.
Note: The Status
of the physical inventory changes from None
(before count is created), to Selected
(after count is created and saved), to In
Progress (one time, one or more, but not all, rows are marked Verify
or Missing and SAVE
is selected), to Counted (after
all rows are processed).
Serialized Parts Physical Inventory
Supervisors are able to:
- Create serialized parts physical inventory counts for clerks
to count the serialized parts.
- View the counts that the clerks counted by physical inventory
- Edit the counts by clerks.
- Finalize and approve counts
- Within the Query Information
section, the New Count and
Finalize buttons only display
when System Flag 5528 is set to Y
and the user is a Supervisor.
- A user who is not a Supervisor is able to select a Status
of Selected and In
Progress, mark items as Verify
or Missing and enter the EffDate value.
- The Phy ID value must be
finalized in order to select the Finalize
button. Serialized Parts Physical Inventory Counts are not finalized
when all parts marked Verify,
Missing, and have an EffDate value entered. After the
data is entered for all parts in the count, the Supervisor is able
to modify or select the Finalize
button to finalize the count.
- After the count is finalized, the SERIALCT
transaction code displays for any missing serialized parts.
- Parts selected as Verify
or Missing display on the
Serialized Part Physical Inventory
frame when System Flag 5528 is set to Y.
System Flag and Role Privilege
System Flag 5528 - Utilize Finalization method
for Serialized Part Physical Inventory counts (Y/N) -
System Flag 5528 allows employees who are Supervisors to create, view,
edit and finalize Serialized Part Physical Inventory counts when the flag
is set to Y.
SER PART AUTH - Controls
the ability to mark a previously missing part to Active
again and placed in the appropriate Inventory Location.
See also:
Main Catalog
Inventory Location Manager
Application User-Training Guide
Privileges Table
Flags Table
Updated: 08/26/2020, 07/2024
To view a list of System Flags
and Role Privileges that may impact
this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip.
At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings
hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the
Resource Files area.