Purchasing Contracts

The Purchasing Contracts frame allows you to create a contract with a vendor to facilitate purchasing parts, fuel or commercial services. In order to receive the best prices and establish pre-approved conditions you can establish a purchasing contract with a vendor. Sometimes referred to as a blanket purchase order, you can define a range of valid dates and specify the balance amount for a warning to be issued for purchase orders approved against the contract.  Later, when creating the purchase order, line items can be retrieved from awarded contracts originally established. For more details see the Inventory Application User Training Guide.


To view an existing contract enter or select the Contract number. If the BUILD Status is being validated you can modify the details of the contract. Fields that are orange are required, white can be changed and blue are provided by the system.


To create a new contract, select the New Contract button. NEW will appear in the Contract field. Next enter the Vendor No. If this is a Blanket Contract For select the Parts, Fuel/Products or Commercial checkbox. You can select a combination of the three. If this is for specific parts or services do not select a blanket option. You will setup the line items in the lower area on the Parts or Commercial tabs.


Enter the Start Date. You can enter the End Date, Award Date, Renewal Terms and Award Amount and Award at Amount, if applicable. The CTD (contract to date) Amounts  and Balance Amount will be calculated from all purchase orders using this vendor contract. Select SAVE when you are done.


See also:

Purchase Orders


Vendor Main


Inventory Application User Training Guide





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Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.