The Purchase Requisition frame may be used to request parts to be ordered. The person ordering the parts must indicate the reason why the part is to be ordered. Requisition scan also be created automatically through a M5 Batch Process. In order for the user to add a new stock or non stock part to the location they will need to have the Issue Part Inventory Privilege as part of their user Role privileges.
Location - The location the user is signed in at. It must be an inventory location since this is the location the requisition is being created for.
Requisition No. - The requisition number is a system generated number.
Vendor - Vendor that the parts will be ordered from.
Date - Automatically defaults to the current date and time of the creation of the requisition.
Status - The status codes track the requisition from the time it is built, to the time it is completed. The statuses are build, in process, request.
Special Handling - Used to indicate if the requisitioned parts require special handling. This indicator is used only with part procurement interfaces sending data to outside systems.
Part Number - A valid part number to be requisitioned for purchase.
Description - Populates automatically based on the part number entered in the Part Number field.
Qty - The quantity of the part to be requested.
Unit Cost - The per unit cost of the part. This price is the last received price and can be changed.
Unit Inv. - Unit of inventory (for example, EA = Each).
Vendor - The valid vendor number the order is to be placed with. This is optional.
Need By - The date the part is needed by.
Resv Code - Parts can be reserved for units, accounts (indirect and direct), work orders, departments and stock inventory. If the part is placed on reserve for any type other than stock, M5 will require additional information for the reservation. Non-stock parts cannot be ordered for stock and must have a reservation.
Resv Ref No - The value selected in Resv Code determines what gets entered in this field. For example, if unit was selected, then a valid unit number must be entered in this field.
Contract No - If the part is under contract with the vendor, the contract number must be a valid contract and be chosen from the List of Values.
App/Rej - If you have the privilege APP/REJ REQ ON FLY, then you can approve or reject the part requested, by selecting the checkbox. If you are rejecting the line, enter the Reject Reason. After you SAVE, a dialog box will display asking if you want to reject the row. Otherwise, you are approving the line item.
Reject Reason - If the requisition was not approved, enter the reason why you are rejecting the line item.
This tab allows you to add any available Part Requests to the Purchasing Requisition.
Requisition Notes is a free form notes fields that allows you to add any additional information or notes pertaining to the Purchasing Requisition.
See the System Flags Table to view a list of System Flags.
See the Role Privileges Table to view a list of Role Privileges.
Inventory Application User Training Guide
Last Updated: 04/01/2017
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.