Labor Payroll Approval

The Labor Payroll Approval frame allows Supervisors and Timekeepers to view details for payroll and non-payroll time for all timekeepers regardless of location or shift that have indirect or direct labor charged on the dates selected. System Flag 5117 controls how the system displays this frame (S - Summary or D - Detail).


Note: When System Flag 5117 is set to D, you are able to add labor entry from this frame if you are a supervisor and also approving the labor as a supervisor at the same time. Labor entries are made on open rows in the Labor Approval  i-frame. Any changes to unapproved labor rows (including adding a new row) will not be saved unless they are approved.



Payroll information displays after the shift has ended and the employee has logged out of a job. If any employee is working overtime you can approve the completed jobs and enter the frame again later to approve the overtime job.


Overtime Calculation and Pay

Time logged outside of a scheduled shift is counted as overtime (OT), based on all other payroll setup. This includes and is not limited to:

Note: The Overtime Start Time/Day field does not effect the new calculation.


System Flag 5272 - Period of Time to Calculate OT, D)aily, or W)eekly, S)hift


When System Flag 5272 is set to D, overtime is calculated for any labor worked outside of the employee's scheduled shift.


This flag specifies the period of time to calculate over time at labor approval - D (daily) or W (weekly) or S (shift). This flag also works in conjunction with flag 5273. As an example, if this flag is set to weekly and flag 5273 is set to 40, an employee is eligible for overtime once they have worked 40 hours that week. You could also choose Daily and set a value of 8 for flag 5273 so that once an employee has worked eight hours for the day, they are eligible for overtime. If this flag is set to Shift, all other shift duration related flags will be ignored (System Flag 5273, for example) as they relate to the number of hours per day/week before OT is calculated and are not necessary for this functionality to work.



System Flags


See the System Flags Table for a complete description of system flags.


Role Privileges


See the Role Privileges Table for a complete description of role privileges.




Last Updated: 01/17/2020, 03/2024




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.