Markup Schemes

The Markup Schemes frame allows you to create and maintain a list of codes that identify additional amounts added to the standard charges for parts, labor and commercial services .


These Markup Schemes are typically used in situations where it is necessary to capture additional revenue required for providing fleet services. Various system flags control the scheme configurations.


To view or modify an existing scheme enter or select the Scheme name. The transaction percentages and limits will be displayed on each tab for parts, labor and commercial charges.


Parts and Commercial Markups identify percentages and limits for each transaction type.  Labor uses the same plus an additional hourly rate variable. You can modify the description; the field has a limit of 60 alphanumeric characters.


You can also modify the effective date or Disable the scheme. Each transaction may have a percentage but a limit is not required. A transaction percentage may also be left as zero. Labor transactions can use a Labor Rate only. Click on save when you are done.


To create a new markup scheme, enter a new Scheme name; the field has a limit of 10 alphanumeric characters. Press tab or enter. You will be asked to confirm the creation of the new scheme.


Next enter the description and an Effective Date. You may have only one future effective date for each scheme. Now enter the amounts to be in effect for each transaction for this scheme. Click 'Save' when finished.


See also Markup Types for information on how markups are applied throughout the system for various transactions.


System Flags


1198 - Calculate Markup on Commercial Fuel? (Y/N) - Calculate markup on commercial fuel $? This flag allows the user to define if fuel charges should be marked up for billing to accounts. The default for this flag is N. Used in both M5 and fuel interfaces.


1220 - Print unit markup cost, 0=none, 1=on inv. issue, 2=on part xfer, 3=both - This flag allows the user to print unit mark up on part issue ticket when the inventory is issued (1), when the part is transferred (2), when the inventory is issued or the part is transferred (3). The default is "0".


1312 - Use "O"wning or "U"sing department to figure markups? - Markups and labor rates can be calculated based on a unit's department. This flag determines whether to use the owning or using department at the time of the transaction (or, if module flag 5130 is "Y", the work order open date.


2157 - Apply markup to the Credit Work Order option on the Part Return screen? (Y/N) - Setting this flag is set to "Y" will apply markup to Credit Work Order. This transaction involves returning the part to stock, and the return to stock value becomes the credit value that will credit to the work order.


5121 - Show claim amount with markup? (Y/N) - Warranty - In Warranty Claim Manager - display original transaction cost with or without markup (Y or N).


5128 - Apply markup to commercial credit charges? (Y/N) - Setting this flag is set to "Y" will apply markup to commercial credit charges. When this flag is set to "N" markup will only be applied to positive commercial charges.


5129 - Organizational level to set markup scheme (0 = department) - This is the level of the department hierarchy where the markup scheme exists. If 0 (the default), the department itself has the markup scheme. This is not a customer-changeable flag. Contact M5 Customer Support to have it changed.


5130 - Calculate markups based on work order open date instead of transaction date? (Y/N) - Normally, markups and labor rates are determined using the markup schemes in effect at the time of the transaction, but by setting this flag to 'Y', repair charges will use the markup scheme in effect at the time of the work order open date. This flag has no effect on non-work order transactions.


5397 - Apply markups then tax? (Y/N) - If the value is set to "N", the part charges will have tax applied first, then markups; If the value is set to "Y", part charges will have markups applied first, then tax. The default value is N to preserve existing functionality.


Last Updated: 04/03/2017



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.