Menu Maintenance

The Menu Maintenance frame allows you to fully customize your user menus. Customizing menus in the M5 System allows your System Administrator to control which menu functions the application user can access.  


They can be limited to very specific fields within certain screens that display only the functionality needed by the application user to perform their job duties. This approach helps the user navigate efficiently through the system.


When you first implement your M5 System you will need to create your own menus. M5 comes with a Sample Menu for your reference. DO NOT MODIFY THE SAMPLE MENU. It is there for your reference and it is a great resource. If you modify it, you will lose the references it contains.


The Menu Maintenance screen contains some additional elements in the columns to the right of the folder names and at the right edge of the screen:


  1. The Authorization Group column - check this box so that the menu appears in the list of menu items on Role Maintenance. This will allow you to control access to the menu according to Role.
  2. Custom if checked, allows the entire menu structure under the folder to be assigned to another menu.
  3. The Security levels can be set as Read only, Update, or Full.
  4. Security Templates can be assigned that further restrict field access rights.
  5. Reauthenticate on Save requires the user to enter their password again prior to updating the record.
  6. The Actions section control what happens when you add or delete folders by selecting an action or by dragging a folder from one menu to another with your mouse.
  7. Current Node indicates what actions are available to you based on your current location on the menu folder tree.


Create a Menu


  1. Click on the Root folder at the top of the tree. Notice that the Current Node indicates Root and the New Child Folder is the only option highlighted.
  2. Click 'New Child Folder' and enter a name for the menu. For example, 'MECHANIC'.
  3. Select the newly created menu folder at the bottom of the tree. Notice that the Current Node options, i.e. active links, changes as you "drill-down."
  4. Select New Child Folder again under the Current Node options. Enter a name for the new folder. For example, 'MAINTENANCE'.
  5. The + mark now appears by your Menu folder, click on it to open the folder and change the Current Node Options.
  6. To add frames to the folder, click on New Frame or Link in the Current Node choices.
  7. The Add New Item window opens and you can select from a list of every frame that is available in the system. The name, description, and type displays as well as the presence of any Security Templates available on the frame.
  8. For each frame you can designate Read-Only, Update, or Full access using the Security Level radio buttons.


Security Templates


  1. For a specific frame, click on the Manage Security Template option. Select New Template and enter the Name of your choice and click OK.
  2. Below the fields you can edit will display. For each available field you can select Hidden, Read-Only, or Updatable. Updatable is the default option.
  3. When finished, click 'Save' and return to Menu Maintenance.
  4. You can now enter the new security template in the Security Template field next to the appropriate frame.


For more details see System Administration Application User Training and Role Privileges.


Menu Maintenance Basics Tutorial:



Last Updated: 03/21/2017



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.