Warranty Part Setup

The Warranty Part Setup screen allows you to define warranty terms for a specific part. This screen can be called as a menu item, but is typically accessed by setting the Warranty flag to 'Yes', on the Part Main Catalog for a particular part. If you access the frame via a menu, you will receive an error message when entering a part that does not have the flag set to 'Yes' on Part Main.


To create terms for a warranty part, enter the part number in the Part No. field (if you are accessing via Part Main, the part number will populate automatically). You can then enter a vendor from Vendor Main if the warranty is vendor-specific.


Warranty Information:



When you are finished entering the pertinent information for the warranty part, click the Save button at the top of the frame. Keep in mind that part warranty terms are governed by the following:



System Flags


1315 - Warn if no Part Warranty for parts above defined System Price?(0=do not warn) - This flag determines if a warning message should be given when a part record, above this specified price, is saved without warranty terms being defined.


1317 - Flag Potential Part Warranty Violations? (Y/N) - This flag determines whether to raise a warranty violation for potential part warranty records.


1318 - Request Part Warranty Info for Failed Parts on Warranty Jobs? (Y/N/O/P) - This flag determines how to handle failed part warranties on warranty jobs. The values are "N" (default), "Y", "P" for Prompt every time,  "O" for Only request warranty information if none currently exists for the part.


2093 - Use L)ocation 1st Vend or last R)eceived-From Vend or D)efault for Warr Terms - If the flag is set to "L", the warranty terms lookup will use the Location record 1st Vendor to determine whether to prompt for terms when a warranty part is issued in the issue frames. If the flag is set to "R", the lookup will use the vendor the part was most recently received from. If the flag is set to "D", neither the location 1st Vendor nor the last Received from vendor warranty terms will be used.


5096 - Restart Part Warranty Terms on Issued Parts? (Y/N) - If the flag is set to Y, then existing M5 functionality will be used. Each warranty part issued will have it¿s own unit part warranty entry created with warranty terms starting from the issue date. If the flag is set to N, the unit warranty part entry is created when existing warranty has expired or never had a unit part warranty entry. If the warranty part issued has an existing unit part warranty entry, and the warranty is not expired, do not create a new unit part warranty row.


5191 - Number of Days to Retain Tagged Warranty Parts? The value of this flag will be used to retain the tagged warranty parts for a specified number of days.


Last Updated: 02/28/2017




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.