Unit/Component Meter Entry

The Unit/Component Meter Entry frame is used to make primary and secondary meter entries for units and components. This frame will still show all active units and components even if the entity does not have an MCC assigned. Those records will display with a yellow icon and a note stating, "No Meter Information Available."


You can filter by Parking Location or Using Department.


Enter the Location or Department number or double click in the field the select the number from the list of values (LOV). The Meter Date will default to the current date.


The Units available for the Location or Department number entered will display on the Meter Entry list below. Select an Entry Method: Meter Reading or Usage Increment (Usage Increment is the clicks on the meter since the last reading – not the actual meter reading displayed).


Locate the unit or component numbers on the list for which you want to enter meters. Enter the new Primary and/or Secondary meter readings and click the Save button at the top of the frame to update the unit or component meters.


Understanding the Meter Update Calculations

The following steps outline the process used by the application to determine if the meter entered is valid and can be accepted into the system. The validity of a meter is determined based on a number of factors as well as some user-defined setting in certain system flags.


  1. Select the meter size (meter_size, meter2_size) from the MCC table. Does the number of digits entered exceed the defined meter size?
  2. Calculate maximum meter value based on meter size selected from step one.
  3. Check if the new meter is less than the current meter while the date value has advanced. This is a possible rollover. In other words, if the date is later, but the meter is less, is this a legitimate rollover? The next section - Check Meter Routine covers this in more detail.

  4. Select the rollover percentage system flag value. M5 takes into account the user-define rollover percentage from System Flags 1053 and 1074.

  5. Determine if the meter has exceeded the total amount of usage allowed based on the current meter reading, MCC value, and total amount of time elapsed.

  6. Process non-rollover meter.

  7. Determine if MCC information was available. This step is a good reason why users should always set meter limits on the MCC.

  8. Determine if the new meter value is outside the system calculated average.


Check Meter Routine

  1. Select the maximum usage value from the MCC.
  2. Select the current meter date and value for the unit/component.
  3. Select the value of system flag 1012 (number of fiscal periods).
  4. Determine the number of days between the current meter date and the new meter date.
  5. Calculate and return the HighAllowMeter value based on the data from steps one through four.


System Flags

1053 - Meter rollover limit % - This module flag is used to determine if a potential primary meter rollover is valid. If the usage being added by a meter rollover exceeds the maximum expected usage, as determined by the MCC of the unit, by more than the percentage denoted by this flag, this meter update will be rejected. For example, if the usage from this meter rollover = 1150 miles and the maximum expected usage, based on the MCC is 1000 miles and this flag is set to 10,  the entry is rejected since 1150 miles is greater than 1100 miles (1000 + (.1 * 1000)


1074 - Secondary Meter rollover limit % - see the above System Flag explanation, applies to secondary meter as well.


2076 - Require authorization for potential bad meter overrides? (Y/N) -This module flag determines if this installation will require a user authorization to accept out of range meter readings. If set to Y and this meter entry is out of range, based on MCC maximum usage, the user must be authorized to enter out of range meter entries.


Role Privileges


EDIT METER 1 - Authority to update Meter 1


EDIT METER 2 - Authority to update Meter 2


OVERRIDE METER WARN - Authority to override a meter warning




See the Asset Management Application Training guide for more information.




Last Update: 03/16/2021



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.