The Department Main frame allows you to create and maintain Department records for use with various levels of functionality throughout the M5 application: Locations, Employees, Units, Components, Work Orders, DAF (Department Access Function) and Billing to name a few.
To create a new department, enter a new department number in the Department field. This field has a limit of ten characters. This department must be unique on the UNIT_DEPT_COMP_MAIN table, meaning it cannot already exist as another Unit, Component, or Department.
After you enter the new number, you will be prompted to confirm the action. Click the Create button to confirm you want to create the new department.
Enter a description for the department in the Description field. This field has a limit of 32 characters. From the Status drop down, select ‘Active” or ‘Inactive’ for the department status.
The General tab contains basic contact information, work order parameters, associated department groups, and billing information for the department record.
Billing Code Information:
Billing Code – The Billing Code for the department, this will be used for Department Work Orders as well as other billing charges depending on how the various Billing Items are setup on the Billing Item Source frame. The Billing Code frame allows you to create and maintain these codes.
Contact Information:
Name – Name of the person to contact for the department.
Phone – Phone number for the department, there is also a field to the right for an extension.
E-Mail Address – E-mail address for the department.
Associated Department Groups:
The Associated Dept. Groups section displays any Department Groups associated with the department.
Work Order Parameters:
These parameters allow you to define location information as well as an MCC and Tech Spec for the department to be used on Work Order Main for Department Work Orders as well as Standard Jobs.
MCC – Maintenance Class Code for the Department, setup and maintained on the MCC Main frame.
Tech Spec – Technical Specification for the Department, setup and maintained on the Tech Spec Main frame.
Delivery Location – Location for Department deliveries, must be a valid location on Location Main.
Maintenance Location – Maintenance location for department work orders, must be a valid maintenance location on Location Main.
Inventory Location – Inventory location for the department, must be a valid inventory location on Location Main.
Customer - A Customer record may be associated with a Department, which will impose Customer Contract pricing rules when a Department Work Order is opened.
Priority Kick – The priority setting a work order will have when opened for the department (0 through 10).
Max Work Order Cost – Dollar limit for work orders opened for the department.
Markup Scheme – Markup Scheme for the department can be applied here. See System Flag 5129 in the System Flag section below.
Tax Exemption – If the department should be exempt from any Tax Schemes, check this box.
Outside Org. – If the department is an ‘outside’ department, check this box.
Resource Type – The Resource Type button will be active if System Flag 5229 is set to ‘Y’. If it is set to ‘N’ it will be grayed out. Click the button to add resource types to be validated on part issues to the department. Use the Shop Planning Resources frame to create and maintain these resource types.
Department Work Order Notes – Free form notes field, notes entered here will be copied to assigned unit’s work order notes.
Org Hierarchy
The Organization Hierarchy tab is used to assign Org Level Values to the Organizational Levels defined on the Department Corporate Hierarchy frame.
To assign a value, enter a value in the Org Level Value field or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV). The description will populate automatically.
Quote Rules
The Quote Rules tab allows you to set up quote rules for your department. These rules can also be setup on the Department Quote Rules frame.
The Quote Information section has two fields for Approval 1 and Approval 2, these are free form fields that will be carried over to Quote Main when creating a quote for this department.
To add a quote rule, enter a valid Job Reason in the Reason field or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV). The Description field will automatically populate.
Check the Quote Never Require box to bypass requiring a quote for the rule. You can also enter a value in the Spending Limit without Authorization. This will allow for a certain dollar amount, up to which approval is not required.
Motor Pool
On the Motor Pool tab you can list the Motor Pool approval resources for the department. The approval resources must be valid employees on Employee Main with the MP-RESV-APPROVAL Role Privilege assigned to their App User Role. See System Flag 5143 below for more information.
Markup Matrix
The Markup Matrix tab is customer specific functionality used to markup units based on owning department and the location where the vehicle is serviced.
The Markup Type Lookup on the Markup Types frame must be set to ‘Matrix’ for each specific transaction.
Tax Matrix
The Tax Matrix tab allows you to apply tax to a unit whose using department is from one location but receives service or fuel at a different location. For example, if a bus whose using department is from the United States should get service or fuel at a Canadian location. However, as the explanatory text on this tab states, no taxes are applied if the location is owned by the department above and the unit's using department is in this list.
*This was developed with customer-specific functionality in mind.
Std Job Matrix
The Standard Job Matrix tab is read-only and displays any fixed job exceptions that have been configured via the Standard Job Tech Spec screen. This allows you to see all Department Jobs configured on one screen. This tab only displays active (non-disabled) department fixed cost jobs.
*This was developed with customer-specific functionality in mind.
The Customers tab is read-only and displays customers that have the loaded department as the Owning Department on the Customer Main screen.
System Flags
5229 – Match Dept Resource Type for Part Issue? (Y/N) – Setting this flag to ‘Y’, will activate the Resource Type button on the Department Main frame and require that parts issued to a department be validated against the department resource types.
5143 – Require All Motor Pool Reservations be Approved? (Y/N) – If this flag is set to ‘Y’, all motor pool reservations must be approved for employees that require an approval.
Role Privileges
MP-RESV-APPROVAL – If the user is granted this, they will be allowed to approve those motor pool reservations for their subordinates.
Last Update: 05/28/2021
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.