Billing Codes

The Billing Codes frame allows you to create and maintain billing code records that define what to bill and how much. A billing code can be attached to a unit when the unit is created on Unit Main, or it can be assigned to a department on Department Main.


There are three types of billing codes.


  1. Leased – Units are billed for leases, usage, fuel and repairs.

  2. Motor Pool/Task – Units are billed for motor pool tickets. Usage cannot be charged, but a “Charge per Use,” can be entered for the rate for usage entered on a motor pool ticket. While repairs and fuel can be set to bill, charges will bill to the owning or using department and not the department that opened the ticket.

  3. Non-Leased – Units cannot be billed for leases or motor pool, but can be billed for usage, repairs, and fuel.


Create a New Billing Code

Billing Information

Billing Code – Enter a new billing code, field is limited to eight characters.


Description – Enter a description for the billing code, field is limited to 30 characters.


Disabled Yes or No dropdown to indicate if the code is disabled. The default value is No.


Effective Date – Date from which the billing information defined for the code becomes effective.


New Effective Date – After a code is created, a new effective date can be entered, if applicable.


Preserve Rates - Select the checkbox to preserve the rates.


Type – Select from the dropdown: LEASED, MOTOR POOL/TASK, or NONLEASED.


Toggle (Un)Approve All Units/Depts – Select to toggle (Approved or Unapproved) All Units/Depts. If any or none are selected, the remainder is selected. If all are selected, all will be cleared.




After this section is complete, select the SAVE button at the top of the frame to save the new billing code. If the Type is LEASED or MOTOR POOL/TASK , the Lease Information section can be edited after saving. If the Type is NONLEASED, the Lease Information section will be greyed out.


Details Information tab

Lease Information

Rate – The Rate amount for the lease.


Rate Per – Method for applying the lease rate: Day, Hour, or Period.


Taxable - Select the checkbox to apply a Tax Scheme.


Tax Scheme - Enter a tax scheme or select from the Tax Scheme list of values.


Shift – Must be a valid shift from the Shift Maintenance frame.


Season – Must be a valid season code from the Season Code frame.


Repair Information

Please read the following section carefully. If the Bill Fixed column is checked for the job on Work Order Main, only the setup in the top section applies to billing.


The top section pertains only to jobs that have the job’s Billed Fixed column selected on Work Order Main. It then comes through as a fixed charge, billed using the setup defined here. To further clarify, this section:


The Repair Information section allows you to define how you want each of the other elements of the work order billed. For example, labor has an option to bill estimates, but it is a different method from the one above and requires the bill fixed column to be cleared on Work Order Main.


Note: The estimates that are billed when the fixed column is not checked are based on the values in the Book Time column, not in the Est. Hours column.


When to bill estimates (if bill fixed checkbox selected on job, do this): Disallow Billing of Estimates (default), Always Bill Estimate, Always Bill Estimate, Unless Zero, Bill Estimate If Job Set To Do So, or Bill Estimate If Job Set To Do So, Unless Zero.


When billing estimates with a total amount, use this billing item - Enter a valid billing item (for example, TOTAL CHGS), these items are created and maintained on the Billing Items frame.


When not billing estimates, do this

Labor Billing - An estimate is billed as the number of estimated hours on the job multiplied by the labor rate as specified on the job location's Markup Scheme. Bill estimate unless 0 means that if the job has no labor estimate in hours, the job is billed its marked-up actual charges. Select: Don't Bill, Bill Actuals, No Markup, Bill Actuals, With Markup, Bill Estimates, or Bill Estimates, Unless 0.


Part Billing - Select: Don't Bill, Bill Actuals, No Markup, or Bill Actuals, With Markup.


Commercial Billing - Select: Don't Bill, Bill Actuals, No Markup, or Bill Actuals, With Markup.


Usage of Primary Meter

Flat Usage Per Period – Enter the usage per period. This is the number of free usage per period or the minimum number of free usage to charge depending on the value in the How to Charge dropdown.


Charge Per Usage – This dollar value represents the amount of money charged per mile, kilometer, or hour.


How to Charge – Dropdown options are Flat Usage Fee or Charge as Min.


Recording Method – If the Type is MOTOR POOL/TASK, the dropdown is read-only and the value defaults to Unit History. If the Type is LEASED or NONLEASED you can select Unit History, Captured Meters, Entered Usages, or Don’t Bill.


Fuel Information

The Fuel Information section allows you define how to bill fuel transactions for the billing code.


Fuel information tells FleetFocus M5 billing how to deal with fuel charges purchased from vendors (outside fuel) or dispensed from tanks, whether from Fuel Focus or M5’s product-issuing frames (inside fuel).


Both Inside Fuel/Products and Outside Fuel/Products have four values: Don’t Bill, Bill Actuals, No Mark Up, Bill Actuals, With Mark Up, and Bill This Amount. The Bill This Amount bills the Fuel Charge Per Gallon/Liter, regardless of the price that FuelFocus or the vendor uses.


Motor Pool tab

The Motor Pool tab allows you to define billing information for codes with a MOTOR POOL/TASK billing Type. This tab is read-only and not editable if the billing Type is LEASED or NONLEASED.


Fuel Charge

Default Fuel Charge per Gal/Liter - Default dollar amount charged per gallon or liter.


Employee Operating Information

This section is used to bill employee labor when using a motor pool vehicle. It is customer-specific functionality.


Time Type - This field defaults to the Time Type default from the Time Type Matrix frame.


Rate with (type) (Base 1.0 X) - Base rate for time type.


Rate with (type) (Overtime 1.5 X) - Overtime rate for time type.


Rate with (type) (Double 2.0 X) - Double rate for time type.


Rate Table Information

This section allows you to set the billing method, rates, and free usage for motor pool billing.


Default Billing Method - Select: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or COMBO. A month equals 30 days. System Flag 1196 controls the maximum number of hours in a half-day.


Applicable to Hourly or Daily rates only


Rates - Dollar amount charged Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.


Free Usage - The amount of Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly free usage before billing charges apply.


COMBO Default Billing Method

The COMBO Default Billing Method allows you to break down the charges by hour, day, week, or month when you return the vehicle.


For example, you rented a vehicle from 11/15/20xx to 12/15/20xx. The total elapsed time would be 720 hours. When you exclude weekends from the total you end up with approximately 493 hours.


From there, rather than billing all 493 hours at the hourly rate, you can break it down so that if you have a discounted rate for days, weeks, and months it will bill each unit of time at the appropriate rate.


So, in this example you have 493 hours, but you want to apply a weekly rate of $500. You can enter $500 into the rate field for "weeks" and that gives you two weeks of time to bill at $500. Now that leaves 157.25 hours. You can apply a daily rate of $100. That will bill six days of the rental period at $100 per day.


After the weekly and daily rates have been applied, we are left with 13.25 remaining hours we can then bill at the hourly rate.


Units/Depts tab

The Units/Depts tab displays a read-only list of all units and departments with the billing code assigned to them. The list only populates after you select the
Toggle (Un)Approve All Units/Depts button and the changes saved.


You can reverse the changes by selecting the Toggle (Un)Approve All Units/Depts button, which displays Unapprove All Units/Depts.


Fixed tab

The Fixed tab allows you to setup a Bill Item for fixed billing charges. Each billing code can be set to bill an unlimited number of fixed charges. Use the Fixed Bill Items list of values to see the fixed charge bill items set up on the Billing Items frame. Each fixed charge applies to each unit or department assigned the billing code.


Project Rates

The Project Rates tab displays as a part of the Project Accounting module when the Use Direct Account Table checkbox is clear on Company Definition. You can define the Account Segment Number, Default Hourly Rate, Default Usage Charge and the Project Rates. If the checkbox is selected on Company Definition , this tab does not display on the Billing Codes frame.


Disable a Billing Code

Use the following steps to disable an existing billing code.


  1. Enter a Billing Code or select the code from the Current Billing Code List.

  2. Select Yes from the Disabled dropdown to the right of the description field.

  3. Select the SAVE button to disable the code.


Delete a Billing Code

You can delete an existing code provided it is not in use on any other tables in the system. If the billing code is in use, you can not delete it from the system.


  1. Enter a Billing Code or select a code from the Current Billing Code List.

  2. Select the DELETE button at the top of the frame. The Action Required window displays.

  3. Select Delete to confirm the decision.


System Flags

See the System Flags Table for a complete listing of system flags.


See also:

Billing Application User Training Guide


Fixed Price Billing Reference Guide




Last Update: 03/16/2021, 10/2024




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.