A Billing Item groups similar kinds of transactions together for the M5 billing program. In general, Billing Items are grouped into 'Point-in-Time' and 'Range of Time' transactions.
Point-in-Time Transactions:
COMM CHGS - Commercial charges to Work Orders can be billed at cost ("Actuals") or with a Markup. See the Billing Codes frame.
DEPT CHGS - Part Charges to a Department. These can be billed at cost or with a markup. NOTE: This billing item should not be confused with part charges made to a department work order. Part charges to a department work order use the billing item, PART CHGS.
FUEL CHGS - Fuel products dispensed to a vehicle, including fuel, oil, or any other Product issued.
LABOR CHGS - Work Order labor charges. These charges can be billed four different ways, see the Billing Codes frame.
MISC CHGS - Miscellaneous unit charges imported into M5 through an interface, such as a fuel interface.
MOTOR POOL - Charges associated with Motor Pool tickets. A motor pool rental is a short-term rental and is charged based on the unit's billing code or changes made to the unit when returning to the motor pool.
PARTS CHGS - Part issues for a unit, with or without a work order. This applies to part charges to department work orders as well.
PDIR CHGS - Part issues to Direct Accounts. Markup is determined based on the Markup Scheme and Markup Type terms. Taxes are configured on the Tax Scheme and Tax Type frames. Taxes are billed only if markup is billed.
SPEC CHGS - Work Order "special fee" charges. Upon closing a work order, a new job can be added automatically to reflect shop fees, flat overhead, environmental charges, or some other single charge. See System Flag 1172 in the System Flag section below.
SPCL ITEM - Special billing charges for specific units and departments. Special items are useful for charges like license fees, insurance payments, or other one-time adjustments.
TASK LABOR/TASK UNIT - These charges are defined on the billing code and were developed as a customer-specific payroll requirement. They are not typically used in normal billing setups. Tasks represent work that may be done outside the shop. For example, when a backhoe is lent out to another department and both the backhoe and the operator must be paid for by the other department. The operator's time would be entered as "task labor" and the unit's time as "task unit."W
WOPRD CHGS - Any product charges to a work order.
Range of Time Transactions:
DEPREC - Unit Depreciation. A unit's depreciation can be billed. Depreciation parameters are set on the Unit Accounting frame and can be defaulted from the Category assigned to the Tech Spec. The End-of-Period Batch Process calculates depreciation and must be run before billing for depreciation calculations to show up.
LEASE RATE - Lease of a unit to another department.
REPL FUND - Charge amounts for the replacement of units according to replacement funds set up in M5.
USAGE - Usage/Meters, the time used or the distance traveled by the unit.
For each billing item, you must check the Bill this Charge flag if you want to bill that particular item. If you want to bill fixed charges via the Bill Fixed Charges frame, check the Fixed Charges flag.
System Flags
1172 - Use Special Work Order Fees? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', a "special fee" job and part charge will be added to ALL closed work orders at a location. Enter the parameters for this added fee on the Billing Work Order Fees frame.
Billing Application User Training Guide
Last Update: 06/15/2016
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.