The Direct Account Codes frame is used to create and maintain direct account codes and their descriptions for use in billing activities. These codes can be associated with Departments and Units as well as labor and inventory transactions.
On the Company Definition frame, you can set up a validated account segment list so that when a new account code is created, the user must enter it in a valid format.
To create a new Direct Account Code, double click in the Direct Account field and select option two, ‘Create New Account’. The direct account code can be up to 125 characters.
Enter in the segment values as within the parameters defined on the Company Definition frame (note that some segments may be required while others may be optional).
Next, enter in a description in the description field, this field has a limit of 30 characters. Once you have finished the entry. Click the Save button at the top of the frame. The new Direct Account will now be available for use.
To modify an existing Direct Account, type in the account number or double click in the Direct Account field to select one from the list of values (LOV). Make any necessary changes to the record and then click the Save button.
To disable a Direct Account, type in the account number or double click in the Direct Account field to select one from the list of values (LOV).
Select ‘Yes’ from the Disabled drop down at the bottom of the frame and click the Save button. The Direct Account will no longer be available for use.
You can delete a Direct Account Code provided it is not in use on any other tables in the system. Otherwise you will not be able to delete the code.
To delete a code, click the Delete button (Red X) at the top of the frame. You will receive a popup asking you to confirm the action. Click Delete. The system will save the changes and the record will be remove and no longer available for use.
System Flags
5157 – Show Direct Accounts on Part Issue and Part Return to Departments? (Y/N) – If this flag is set to ‘Y’ the Direct Account field will display on Part Issue and Part Return when the issue or return type is Department.
Last Update: 09/04/2019
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.