Billing Unit Accounts

The Billing Unit Accounts frame allows you to define Expense and Revenue Account information on Billing Items for a particular unit. This frame displays all of the accounts that have been associated with the unit along with those accounts' effective dates and billing items.


Enter a valid unit number from Unit Main or double click in the field to select a unit from the list of values (LOV). The Bill Item drop down lists every billing item flagged as billable on the Billing Items frame. You can choose to view 'All Current' or a single billing item. If you select a single billing item, every account for every date range will display.


To associate a new account with a billing item, enter the billing item in the blank Bill Item field and enter a new Effective Date and Direct Account Code.


A Source column interprets the billing code’s source in a useful way for the user.  For example, if the account source is “Unit, then using department” and no unit-specific account has been entered, the value that appears is the using department’s account and the “Source” column says “Using dept., can override”.  


If a unit-specific account has been entered, the “Source” column says “Unit overriding using dept.” Click the Show Source Legend hyperlink for more information.


Note: Click on the '%' button to allocate expense to multiple accounts. The Single Expense Accounts Allocations frame will pop up. Here you can setup multiple expense accounts and divide the charges among them. Enter a percentage in the Alloc. % field. These values must add up to 100. This is only available for the expense account.


See also:

Billing Application User Training Guide



Last Updated: 06/17/2016



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.