Category Main

The Category Main frame allows you to create and define codes to group together units with similar functionality within your fleet. The category is the second highest level of grouping; the highest level is Asset Class.


The system supports a hierarchy for grouping units. Category groupings help simplify the procurement, budgeting, and analysis where details like year, make, and model are too specific. After creating category codes, you can group units with similar technical specifications, or Tech Specs into a single Category.

Unit Category

Code - Enter the category code or double-click in the field to select from Category List. The category name displays.

Disabled - Select Yes or No.

Exclude from Unit Notifications - Select the checkbox to exclude the category code from all unit notifications.


Details Information tab

The Details Information tab allows you to define Codes, Replacement Parameters, Life Cycle, Depreciation Parameters, Financing Parameters, and Notes.



Asset Class - Must a valid code from the Asset Class Codes frame. Asset class codes group units with similar characteristics.

Commodity Code - Must be a valid code from the Commodity Codes frame. Commodity codes group units for purchasing purposes.

Maint. Repair Units - Sizes the equipment for cost of repair. With a base of 1 being a plain, small sedan, there can be a scale of measurement for all equipment in your fleet. For example, a van measured at 1.5, indicates it will take 1.5 times for repairs on a van compared to a basic sedan. System flag 1078, set to Y indicates the field is mandatory.

Off-Road Use % - Expected percentage of time spent-off road for units with this category code.

Non-Standard - Customer-specific functionality that triggers an extra approval step in the unit request process for units with this category code.


Replacement Parameters

Current Base Unit Cost - Dollar amount for the unit cost without add-ons.

Upfit Options - Value carried over from Category Equipment Options, the total amount of any budgeted items for the category code.

Total Unit Cost - Current Base Unit Cost plus the total cost of the Upfit Options for the category code.

Annual Inflation Factor - Allows the category to be used effectively for future Replacement Modeling and other replacement and new unit activities.

Lead Time (Months) - Number of months, on average it takes from creating a Unit Purchase Order in the system to when units for the category are delivered.

Eligible for PO? - Select Yes or No to indicate if units with the category code are eligible for purchase orders. The Replaced By Category field can be modified when you select No.

Replaced By Category - When No is selected in Eligible for PO, the category value you enter in this field supersedes the main category. Replaced By Category must be used for Purchase Orders.


Life Cycle

Age - Expected number of years of usage for units in the category.

Meter 1 - Expected primary meter usage for the life of units in the category.

Meter 2 - Expected secondary meter usage for the life of units in the category.

LTD Maint Cost - Total expected repair costs for the life of units in the category.


Depreciation Parameters

Term (Months) - Number of months the organization expects to depreciate the asset type.

Salvage% - The expected value of the unit at the time of disposal.

Type - The common type of depreciation is Straight-Line. Some units are purchased with little value and written off with no depreciable value.


Financing Parameters

Rate% - Percentage rate on the purchasing contract.

Term (Months) - Length of the purchasing contract in months.

Interest - Type of interest calculated: Simple or Compound.


Units/Comps tab

The Units/Comps functionality depends on the setting of System Flag 5110 and the role privilege UPD UNIT ON CATEGORY.

System Flag 5110 pushes changes down to the unit level and determines if the Approve/Unapprove All Units/Comps button displays on the Category Main frame.

Role Privilege UPD UNIT ON CATEGORY - Allows a user to push changes made to the category code down to units and components by making the new tab called Units/Comps on Category Main changeable.


Telematic Elements

The Telematic Elements tab allows you to configure telematic settings for the category. You can enter the Preferred Job code the work requests is created or you can select No Action or No Fault  to ignore the fault code that comes in from the ECU.

  1. After you complete the fields, select Retrieve.

  2. In Category Element List, you can enter Preferred Job information or select the No Action and No Fault checkbox.


Protocol - Codes are hard coded in the system. Note: Different protocols can have different fields (for example, J1587 can have an Element Type field).

Subsystem - Enter a valid code or double-click in the field to select from the List of Values. These codes can be added through the Telematics Fault Preferred Jobs frame.

Element - Enter a valid code or double-click in the field to select from the List of Values. These codes can be added through the Telematics Fault Preferred Jobs frame.

Sort By - Select Element Type or Element.

System Flags

1078 - MRF mandatory on categories? - If the MRF on categories is set to "Y", the Category Main frame requires a maintenance repair factor (MRF) to be entered in the Maint. Repair Units field.  The maintenance repair factor is not used in any unit acquisition calculations.

5001 - Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code? - Allows the user to define how they wish their job codes to display. If "Y", a 3-char system code is needed with the job code like 02-013-001. If "N" (the default), M5 utilizes the standard job code like 02-13-001.

5010 - Client Prefix Code - This system flag sets the Client Prefix Code, usually set by AssetWorks.

5110 - Allow category depreciation changes to carry down to the unit level? (Y/N) - Setting this module flag to "N" will not carry any category depreciation changes down to the unit level. Setting this module flag to "Y" will carry the depreciation term, depreciation type and salvage percent changes down to the unit level where the associated units still have the same category and depreciation value.


Role Privilege

UPD UNIT ON CATEGORY - Allows a user to push changes made to the category code to units and components by making the new tab Units/Comps on Category Main editable.


See also:

Asset Class Codes

Category Equipment Options

Commodity Codes

Replacement Modeling Overview

Tech Spec Main


Telematic Fault Preferred Jobs


Unit Main

Unit Purchase Orders


Unit Request


Vehicle Telematics Training Manual




Last Update: 03/12/2019      02/2023



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.