A Technical Specification, or Tech Spec, includes the Manufacturer, Make, Model, Year, and expected life of the unit. Units that are alike can be assigned the same Tech Spec code.
Tech Specs can be very useful in setting up Standard Job information since units that have the same technical characteristics will tend to require the same parts and labor. They can also be useful in reporting and the overall management of the life of the unit.
You can add consumable product(s), modify tank capacity and product allocation as well as define the initial new equipment warranty on the Warranty Tech Spec frame in the ‘Related’ links at the top of the frame.
Once you decide on a pattern for the number, control of future numbers is important. The number can in some way represent the group. For example: 93PUFF150XL might represent a 1993 Pickup, Ford F150XL model.
Note: When System Flag 5268 is set to Y, the Tech Spec Main screen will break down the segments and have an LOV for each segment defined in the Company Definition frame.
To create a new Tech Spec, enter a new code in the Number field. This field has a limit of 13 characters. The format of this number may depend on the template defined on the Company Definition frame if System Flag 5268 is set to ‘Y’.
Once you have entered a new code, you will be receive a popup asking if you want to create the new Tech Spec. Click Create to confirm the action. Enter a Description for the Tech Spec, this is a required field and has a limit of 60 characters.
The Year/Manufacturer/Make/Model fields are all required fields for the Tech Spec code. Manufacturer/Make/Model combinations are setup and maintained on the Manufacturer/Make/Model frame.
Trim & Reference fields - these fields correspond to a customer-specific interface and are not validated or required. Both fields have a limit of 20 characters.
Category Section:
Category Number – these codes are setup and maintained on Category Main and must be assigned to each Tech Spec.
Expected Life – value pulled over from Category Main, represents the expected life for vehicles in that category.
Salvage Percentage – value pulled over from Category Main.
Expected Usage – value pulled over from Category Main, represents expected usage over the life of the vehicle.
Replacement Percentage – percentage of vehicles expected to be replaced, used for replacement modeling purposes.
Gross Vehicle Weight – enter a gross weight for vehicle.
Off-Road Use % - percentage of expected off-road use.
Test Suite Information:
Default Test Suite – you can enter a default Test Suite to be associated with the Tech Spec or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV).
There are two free form Notes fields at the bottom of the Detail tab: Tech Spec Notes and Tech Spec WO Notes. These can be used to enter additional information about the Tech Spec and Work Orders for units/components with this Tech Spec.
The Products tab can be used to assign consumable fuel products and fueling information to the Tech Spec code.
Vehicle Coefficient Settings:
The Vehicle Coefficient Settings are used in Greenhouse Emission reporting. There are two reports: Greenhouse Emission Trend and Greenhouse Emission Type. See System Flag 5289 in the System Flag section below.
Vehicle Type - The type of vehicle assigned the tech spec.
On-Road - Y/N flag.
Fuel Class - Fuel Class for the units.
Fuel Economy City - Unit per quantity in the city.
Fuel Economy Highway - Unit per quantity on the highway.
Fuel Economy Combined - Combined unit per quantity.
To assign a consumable product from Product Main to the Tech Spec, type in a product code or double click in the Product field to select one from the LOV. The Description, Type, and Issue fields will automatically populate with the information from Product Main.
You can then enter in a Capacity for the tank, Max Daily Fuelings, and Max Daily Qty. for fueling purposes.
Total Cost Exceptions for Work Orders, Annual Maintenance, and LTD Maintenance are set in the Total Cost Exceptions section. Job Reason and System Exceptions are also set on this tab.
These fields are optional and allow the user to set parameters for exception reporting for the cost of maintenance, the reason for service and the cost of maintaining the various systems. They are used in selected reports to identify units that exceed the expected level of performance, and kick-out work orders or repairs that may require further approval or review.
The Unit/Component tab displays read-only lists of all Unit and Component numbers that are currently assigned the Tech Spec number.
Assoc Tech Spec
The Associated Tech Spec tab allows you to create and maintain Tech Spec Associations.
Assoc Tech Spec - Number of Associated Tech Spec.
Description - This field will automatically populate based on the Tech Spec entered.
Max # of Assoc - Maximum number of associations for the tech spec.
Max # of Assoc Per Position - Maximum number of associations per Position Code. For example you may want to limit the number of tires that can be issued to each position on a unit.
Min # of Assoc at Sale - This number will be the minimum number of associations this tech spec must have at the time of sale, otherwise the sale will not be allowed. See System Flag 5108 in the System Flag section below for more information.
Telematic Elements
The Telematic Elements tab allows you to configure Telematic settings for the Tech Spec. You can enter the Preferred Job Code for when Work Requests are created or you can choose No Action or No Fault if you want to ignore the fault code that comes in from the ECU.
Protocol - These codes are hard coded in the system.
NOTE: Different Protocols may have different fields, for example J1587 will have an additional field labeled 'Element Type'.
Subsystem - Enter a valid code or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV). These codes can be added via the Telematic Fault Preferred Jobs frame.
Element - Enter a valid code or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV). These codes can be added via the Telematic Fault Preferred Jobs frame.
Sort By - You can select Element or Element type.
Once all entries are complete click 'Retrieve'. You can now enter Preferred Job information or check/uncheck the No Action and No Fault flag boxes.
Document Types
The Document Types tab allows you create and maintain a list of document types for the tech spec. These types are setup and maintained on the Document Types frame.
To disable a Tech Spec, select 'Yes' from the Disabled drop down to the right of the Description field and click Save to disable the Tech Spec.
You can delete a Tech Spec provided it is not in use on any other tables in the system. If the tech spec is in use, you will not be able to delete it from the system.
To delete a Tech Spec that is not in use, click in the Number field to make the delete function active. Click the Delete button (Red X) at the top of the frame.
You will receive a popup asking you if you are sure you want to delete the Tech Spec. Click delete to confirm the action.
System Flags
5108 - Require associated Tech Spec number change from work order? (E/N) - This system flag will control the behavior of the application when completing a work order where a Tech Spec association exists; It will also control if package sell is allowed. Setting the flag to the default value of "N" (No) will cause the application to function as it currently does. Associations will not be maintained when the work order is completed; When set to "E" (Enforce), the user will be forced to change the association on a unit when the work order is completed and a job is assigned to the work order that will prompt the user to change the given association when the work order is completed. When this setting also requires all components to be assigned a tech spec number. When set to N, packages sell is not allowed; otherwise, it is allowed.
5174 - Category Required? (Y/O/W) - This setting is used on the Technical Specification (Tech Spec) frame to determine how the Category Code is validated. A user value of "Y" - Category is Required, "O" - Optional, and "W" - Warn if the user is saving a new or existing Tech Spec and the Category is Blank or Null.
5268 - Use Tech Spec Templates? (Y/N) - Set this flag to 'Y' to use Tech Spec Templates to define format and acceptable values for tech specs.
5289 - Warn/Force the entry of a not-null, positive fuel economy estimate on Tech Spec? (W/F) - Setting this flag to "W" will display a warning when save is requested on the Tech Spec screen and none of Fuel Economy City, Fuel Economy Highway and Fuel Economy Combined fields has a positive number value. But the user can still continue to save. Setting the value to "F" will display an error message and force the user to enter at least one positive fuel economy estimates. If the value is blank, the warning will not display.
Last Update: 09/20/2016
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.