Standard Job Technical Specification

The Standard Job Tech Spec frame allows you to configure the technical requirements for performing a repetitive or non-repetitive standard job. Technical Specifications (Tech Specs) group mechanically identical units. For example, all 2015 Ford Pickups with the same engines, transmissions, brake systems, number of doors, etc.


You can configure the estimated times, parts needed, test suites, and attachments that are necessary for successful completion of the standard job.


The MCC and Tech Spec play an important role in defining standard job parameters for a unit. The Standard Job MCC determines WHEN a scheduled job should be done or completed and the Tech Spec determines what should be done when the standard job is performed.


Detail tab

Can this Job Span Shifts - This option pertains to the Shop Planning Module and determines whether you can schedule a job that starts during one shift and then carries over into the next shift.

Add this Job to all Work Orders - If you want to add a job, such as a car wash and cleaning, to every work order opened for units in this tech spec, select this checkbox.

Ask to change associations when completing jobs - If the job involves replacing components and an association exists, M5 will prompt to change associations during the work order process.

Ask to change base units when completing jobs - If replacing base units during the job and the association exists, M5 will prompt to change base units during the work order process.

To be sent to vendor - A notification that follows through to the work request and work order, does not matter if the job is forecasted or manually added.

Exclude From Note Enforcement - Select this checkbox to be excluded from entering notes.

Add this Job to all WO Express Orders - If you want to add a job, such as a car wash and cleaning, to every work order opened by using Work Order Express for units in this tech spec, select the checkbox.

Fixed Price - If you select the checkbox, the standard job tech spec will be considered a fixed price. After a work request is created by that standard job tech spec that fixed price will be cascaded down to the work request level. After the work request has been added to the work order, at the job line, the job will be denoted as Bill Fixed.



Notes - Standard Job notes. You can assign a Note ID to the note so you can easily copy the note from one Tech Spec Standard Job to another, see Standard Job Tech Spec Duplicator.

New Note - Select the New Note button to set up a new note.

Warranty notes - If applicable you can enter the Complaint, Cause, and Correction warranty notes. See System Flags 2066 and 2067 for more details.


Parts tab

If the standard job requires parts to perform the service, you can add them here. These parts can post to the work order as pending parts depending on the setting of System Flag 5109. If you are using part exceptions, part charges will be listed as an exception if the parts and their respective quantities issued do not match what is listed. This will occur when the job is marked DON and the work order is completed.


Part Number - Enter a valid part number from the Part Main Catalog or double-click in the field to select one from the List of Values (LoV).

Description - This value will populate automatically based on the part value in the Part Number field.

Qty - Enter the amount or quantity for the part.

Required - Select the checkbox to require that the specified quantity must be issued on the work order before this job can be marked 'DON'. See System Flag 5109.


Test Suites tab

The Test Suites tab list all available test suites from the Test Suite Maintenance frame. Select the Selected checkbox to include the test suite on work orders. See System Flag 5375 to exclude sub job test suites.


Note: Test Suites are not intended for use with Direct Invoice Entries. The frame will not function properly and you will receive an error if a unit belongs to a tech spec that has a standard job automatically added to every work order by using the Details tab.  


Dependent Jobs tab

Sub jobs are defined on the Dependent Jobs tab of the Standard Job Tech Spec frame. Users have the option to add a Job Reason for dependent jobs that will override the parent standard job’s default job reason if one has been set at the standard job level.


When using sub jobs in the Work Order process, M5 will assign the job reason for a sub job if it is defined on the Dependent Jobs tab for the associated Standard Job Tech Spec record. If there is no reason defined on the sub jobs, existing functionality is preserved and M5 will assign the same job reason as the parent job.


Seq. - Indicates the order in which the dependent jobs should be performed. M5 automatically creates the sequence number.

Job - Enter the subjobs to be completed when selecting the standard job.

Location - Location at which to perform the job.

Job Reason - Job Reason for the dependent job.


Estimates tab

If creating an expanding job, you will not be able to enter estimates as the expanded job will have the sum total of the dependent job estimates.

Setting (flags)

Labor Cost Entered; Hours Ignored - Labor estimate determined by the book time multiplied by the regular labor rate (not OT) according to the markup scheme assigned to the resource types.

Part Cost entered; List Ignored - Dependent on setting of System Flag 5232. The part estimate is determined by the cost of the listed parts at the inventory location. If the inventory location does not have a cost for the part, the part master standard price will be used. The Part Cost field will not be enterable. If not selected, the Part Cost field can be entered and changed.

Estimated Cost Entered; Details Ignored - If selected, the estimated total will be derived as a sum of the detailed estimates. The Estimated Cost field will not be enterable. If not selected, the Estimated Cost field can be entered and changed.

Allow changes on Work Request and job? - If selected, work request and job estimates derived from the standard job definition will be changeable, including the time values.


Labor Time - Dependent on System Flag 5230 as to whether you can enter Labor Time or Labor Cost. Enter the labor hours to perform the job. These hours will appear on the work request or work order in the Estimated Hours field.

Shop Time - Amount of time the job usually takes from the shop’s resources, for example, mechanic time, towing, or getting parts. For Shop Planning, the next job begins after the end of the shop time, not the plan time.

Contingency Time - Amount of contingency time. See System Flag 5467.

Book Time - Flat rate time.

Industry Standard Time (Hour(s)) - Enter the industry standard hours it takes to complete the job, if required.

Book Time Minimum % - Minimum percentage for the Book Time.

Labor Cost - Enterable only if Labor Cost Entered; Hours Ignored checkbox is selected.

Part Cost - Only enterable if Part Cost entered; List Ignored checkbox is not selected.

Commercial Cost - Estimated commercial cost for the job.

Estimated Cost - The estimated cost to perform the job. Only enterable if the Estimated Cost Entered;Details Ignored checkbox is not selected.

Book Time Maximum % - Maximum percentage for the Book Time.

Assigned Labor Resources i-frame

The Assigned Labor Resources i-frame displays the Resource, Description, Quantity, and Primary fields.


Dept Fixed Cost tab

Department - Enter the Department number or select from the Department List of Values (LoV).

Department Name - Automatically displays when you enter the Department.

Fixed Cost - Fixed cost amount.

Effective Date - Effective date of the fixed cost for the department.

Disable - When the checkbox is selected, the Department is disabled.

Disable Date - Automatically populates the date the Disable checkbox is selected.


Age Modifier Hyperlinks

These links will display if System Flag 5466 is set to Y. See System Flags 5466 and 5467 for the impact to this functionality.


Age modifier hyperlinks will launch a popup window with an editable table. Within this table users can add an infinite number of rows which modify the Hours as a direct amount or as a percentage increase, based on the age of the unit. The age of the Unit will be calculated using the Acquisition Date on Unit Main and the Due Date of the Work Request.


Then, when a standard job is created by any means which would normally apply the default hours, it will apply these values instead of the original. The calculation will apply at the point of initial save. After a Work Request is created, any values may be changed and there will be no recalculations. When a Work Request is being created, it is important that the Due Date is correct before it is saved, in order for the correct age band to apply to the Hours.


Dependent Jobs and Estimates


System Flags

2086 - Allow part numbers to have non-alphanumeric characters? - If this mod flag is set to "N", then new master part numbers cannot have anything but 1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ, that means no dashes, no spaces, nothing but these 36 characters. This flag does not apply to cross-reference part numbers.


5001- Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code? - This flag allows the user to define how they wish their job codes to display. If "Y", a 3-char system code is needed with the job code like 02-013-001. If "N" (the default), M5 utilizes the standard job code like 02-13-001.


5012 - Maximum number of Part Catalogue records for automatic search -This flag denotes the maximum number of part records to auto query when a user requests a search on the same part number that has multiple manufacturers. This flag works with the functionality that displays a list of values when the user tabs out of the part number field. If the part number requested has more than the allowable number of parts to return denoted by this system flag then the list of values will not auto query. This is to prevent a long running search of query results from potentially slowing the system down. In the event that the part number count exceeds the allowable parts count and the list of values does not auto query the user needs to enter additional filter criteria to manually search. The default for this system flag is 100.


5109 - Copy the parts list to pending parts table? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to Y, the parts lists from the standard job or work request will be copied to the pending parts table.  


5230 - Estimates: Labor hours entered, or labor costs? (1-4) - Estimates: Labor hours entered, or labor costs? The settings are 1-4This flag has four settings:

  1: Labour estimates are always entered as hours;

  2: Labour estimates are hours as default, but costs may be entered;

  3: Labour estimates are entered as costs, but hours may be entered;

  4: Labour estimates are always entered as costs.


5231 - Estimates: Base part costs on list, or entered value? (1-4) - Estimates: Base part costs on list, or entered value? The settings are 1-4This flag has four settings:

  1: The part cost always comes from the sum of the parts on the list;

  2: The part cost comes from the parts on the list by default;

  3: The part cost comes from an entered value by default;

  4: The part cost always comes from an entered value.


5232 -Total Estimated Costs/Job Costs - Total Estimated Costs:

  1: Total Estimated Costs are always calculated from Details.

  2: Total Estimated Costs may be entered; calculated value by default.

  3: Total Estimated Costs may be calculated; entered value by default.

  4: Total Estimated Costs are always entered.


5301 - Job Note Read Only (Y/N) - If the flag is set to "Y", the job notes will be read only. If set to "N", job notes field will be open for editing.


5403 - Required Estimated Labor Hours? (Y/N) - System default will be "N". If the value is set to "Y", then estimated hours will be required (greater than 0) on the job tab for work order, work order express, work request, and work request campaign screen.


5466 - Add additional fields for the age of the vehicle on standard job tech spec. (1/2/3) - 1 - No changes at all. This is the default value to preserve the current functionality. 2 -  The new fields are visible and editable, but do not have any system impact. 3 - The new fields are visible, editable and alter the way in which Standard Jobs are created.


5467 - Shop Time is calculated from Labor Time Plus Contingency Time? (Y/N) - The Shop Time may be left blank on Standard Job Tech Spec, when this flag is set to Y, and when a Standard Job is generated, the Shop Time will be calculated at the point of creation from the Labor Time plus the Contingency Time, taking into consideration any modifiers to the Labor Time and Contingency Time. Default value is N to preserve the current functionality.


Role Privileges

See the Role Privileges Table for a complete description of all the role privileges.






NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.