The Standard Job MCC frame allows you create and modify standard jobs that for units that share a common Maintenance Class Code (MCC). For repetitive repairs you can establish a schedule for the job as well as the technical requirements for accomplishing the job. You can also establish Standard Jobs for non-repetitive repairs that occur with enough frequency that your organization can determine standard times, parts, and costs.
M5 can forecast and schedule the repetitive repairs, such as preventative maintenance tasks, via the Forecaster Batch Process so that they will appear in the Work Request queue when opening a Work Order. Non-repetitive job parameters are available when you open a work order and add the specific job code to the work order.
The MCC and Tech Spec play an important role in defining standard job parameters for a unit. The MCC determines WHEN a scheduled job should be done/completed and the Standard Job Tech Spec determines WHAT should be done when the standard job is performed.
Absolute vs. Relative Jobs - What's the Difference?
Absolute Jobs are jobs that must be done on a mandatory schedule that does not vary. For example, State Inspections which are required yearly and must be completed by the same date. Relative Jobs are those that are forecasted by adding the time and usage intervals to the last time the job was completed. M5 will predict the due date for whichever interval comes first based on the date of last completion.
Schedule Tab
You can setup the intervals for the standard job on this tab. Intervals are Time, Primary Meter, Secondary Meter and Fuel Consumption. You can enter just one or a combination of interval values. Next, you can enter the Deviation Percentages (Earliest and Latest).
Relative Jobs - the deviation percentage sets the "window" on a work request in calculating when the earliest and the latest date may be for the job. It expresses the window of opportunity in which a WR will be generated for a job to be DON.
Interval - 90 days
Last Completed Date - January 1
Deviation Percentage - 10%
Earliest Date - March 23
Due Date - April 1
Latest Date - April 10
Absolute Jobs - the deviation percentage calculates whether the unit will be given "credit" for jobs performed earlier or later than the actual due date. The deviation percentage is the percentage of the job interval by which the completed or DON date may deviate and the unit will still receive "credit."
Interval - 365 days
Original Interval Start Date - April 1
Deviation Percentage - 10%
Earliest Date - February 24 (the following year)
Due Date - April 1 (the following year)
Latest Date - May 8 (the following year)
'First Time Criteria' is an important setup requirement for absolute jobs. If 'First Time Criteria' is not set at either the Standard Job MCC or Standard Job Unit/Dept/Comp level, M5 will use the in-service or acquisition date or meter to determine when the job should be considered done and due next. See System Flags 1180 and 2001 in the System Flags section below for more information.
PMI Flag: The PMI Flag check box is customer-specific functionality intended to work with a custom, screen-designed version of the Incident Entry screen that has the Investigation control enabled to support a particular workflow.
When this box is checked and that control is enabled on a screen-designed Incident Entry screen, the Responsible Investigation Location, Last PMI Completed Date, Last PMI Completed Location, and Last PMI Work Order Number (hyperlink) will populate with the work order information for the unit number corresponding to the incident once that work order with the PMI Flagged job is marked complete.
Forecaster Tab
Forecaster is a Batch Process that predicts the next due date of scheduled jobs based on previously entered and predictable data to create work request for these jobs.
Forecaster Information:
Scheduling Basis - Relative or Absolute. If the job is relative, the next job due is based on the last completion date. If the job is absolute, the next job due is based on a fixed schedule either by the in-service date, the first date indicated at the Unit level, or first date indicated at the MCC level.
Recurring Job - Check this box if M5 should forecast the job continuously and not just one time.
Seasonal Restriction - In MCC Season or Outside MCC Season. You must have Season Codes created and configured on the MCC.
Maintain Intervals in Cycle - The interval difference between each job is held constant. For example, a unit has a PM cycle of A, B, and C, where the A job is due every 10,000 miles, the B job is due every 20,000, and the C job every 40,000. If the A job is done at 10,500 instead of 10,000, the interval is still maintained. So the B job would be due at 20,500 and the C job would be due at 40,500. This applies to relative jobs.
Push Next Occurrence to the End of the Month - If this box is checked, the next due date will be determined as if the job was done at the end of the month in which it was completed. So if a job was done on March 1st and the cycle for the job is 6 months, the next time the job would be due is September 30th and not September 1st. This only applies to relative jobs.
Job Defaults:
Location Code - If you enter a location code at this level (the MCC level), M5 will forecast jobs at the location entered in this field for all units within the MCC. If you leave the field blank, M5 will use the maintenance location on the unit main record.
Visit Reason - Default visit reason for M5 to assign when forecasting the job.
Priority - You can set priority values from 0-9 with nine being the highest priority.
Calibration - Designed to work with Equipment Focus functionality. If selected and the job is added to a work order, M5 will update the unit's calibration date when the job is marked as DON on the work order.
Prevent Job Reason Changes - Check this box to prevent job reason changes on the work request and work order for the standard job.
MCC Seasons:
MCC Season Code information will display here in read-only format if the information is setup and configured for the specific MCC code associated with the standard job.
Location Override Tab
The Location Override tab gives you the ability to override the maintenance location on the unit record. This is useful if units within the MCC will have their PM performed at multiple locations that are not associated with their unit records.
Video: quick explanation of the logic behind location override tab
Sub Job Tab
A sub job is another standard job that is performed as a part of this standard job. When the main job is performed, M5 will consider the sub job completed.
Sub Job - Enter the sub job to be included when performing the standard job. Sub job must already exist as a standard job for the MCC.
Description - Job Description will display automatically here.
Elimination % - If the job falls within a certain amount of time of the higher level job, M5 will not forecast the job to prevent the user from seeing two PM's on the schedule at the same time.
Reset Flag - If checked, M5 resets the sub-job start time once the primary job is complete.
Test Suites Tab
The Test Suites tab allows you to select from a list of available test suites to add to the Standard Job/MCC combo.
To add a test suite:
Check the Selected box in the row of the test suite you want to add.
Repeat as applicable.
Select Save.
System Flag
Flag No. | Description | Notes |
5001 | Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code? | This flag allows the user to define how they wish their job codes to display. If "Y", a 3-char system code is needed with the job code like 02-013-001. If "N" (the default), M5 utilizes the standard job code like 02-13-001. |
Last Updated: 03/2023
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.