Work Request Main

The Work Request Main frame allows you to create and manage job requests for units, components, or departments. You can manage the requirements for parts, supplies, and labor that are necessary for maintaining fleet maintenance requirements.


You can create work requests on an individual basis or use other functionality throughout the application to view on this frame. You can create work requests on Work Request Campaigns, Work Request Incident, Test Suites, Forecaster, Multiple Work Requests or from a previous job on a work order.

Work Request

How to:

Create a Work Request


  1. Select Unit, Dept, or Comp from the dropdown.
  2. Enter the Unit, Dept, or Comp number or select from the List of Values (LOV). The Serial #/VIN field displays.
  3. Enter the Number or select from the Open Work Requests for list. The Occurrence field displays the number of times the job was performed for the fiscal year.
  4. Select New Ticket.
  5. Enter a Job Code.
  6. Enter a Job Reason or select from the Job Reason List for Work Orders.
  7. Enter a Schedule Shift or select from the Shop Planning Schedule Type.
  8. Select SAVE.


Serial #/VIN Identifying information for the selected type of work request.
Occurrence The number of times the job has been performed this fiscal year. For example, the second time an oil change has been forecasted, a 2 displays.
Job Code Combination of the work accomplished code, system code, and component code. Defines the type of work to be performed on the unit.
Job Reason Three additional fields display when the Cannot Be Driven flag is checked for a Job Reason Code. The values are read-only when the work request is for an active work order or in a completed status. The fields which display are:
Defect #, Defect Date, and Cannot be Driven?
Defect # Free form field, limited to 12 characters.
Defect Date Must be the current date and time. This cannot be a future date.
Cannot be Driven? Indicates the flag is Y.
Schedule Shift Indicates the shift or window of time the shop performs the work on the unit, department, or component.
Max WO Read-only. Displays the value from the Unit Accounting frame, if applicable.
Create Date The date the work request was created.
Campaign No Read-only. Displays if generated from a campaign.
Work Order Read-only. Displays if the work request is on a work order.

General tab

Contact and Reference Information

Reported By Collects contact information. Must be a valid employee when System Flag 2010 is Y.
Phone Indicates the phone number of the contact.
Requisition/Reference Free form field to enter additional information.
Maintenance Location Defaults from the unit maintenance location on Unit Main. The location is used for reporting purposes only and will not prevent the work request from showing due at other locations or prevent those locations from adding to a work order.
WR Source Sources: Forecaster, Campaign, and Manual (including Incidents).
Incident The incident number displays when creating from an incident.
Alternate Unit No Displays when the unit has an alternate number on Unit Main.
Accident No If the WR source is Accident, you can enter an accident number. System flag 5194 determines whether the accident number must be a valid accident number.
Send to Vendor Select Yes or No.
When you select Yes, if the Standard Job Tech Spec for the Job Code is configured for using a vendor, the field defaults to Yes.
If you enter a Vendor No, the field defaults to Yes. If you remove the Vendor No, the flag remains set to Y.
Preserve Estimates Select Yes or No.
The system default is No. If changes are made to the WR, except for the Due date, the flag updates to Yes.
Employee/Group The employee or a group of employees assigned to the work requested.
Quote No Displays when using the quote functionality.
Vendor No Enter a valid vendor from vendor main.
Status Select an option from the dropdown:
  • Unlocked
  • Locked
  • Firmed
  • Build
  • Quoted
  • Canceled
Direct Account No Optional. You can enter a valid Direct Account number for billing purposes.
Close Out Customer-specific functionality.


View Fault Codes

The View Fault Codes link opens the Telematic Fault Query frame. The Telematic Fault Query frame allows you to query the fault codes for a unit or protocol in a variety of methods such as, Fault Status, Fault Read Status, Fault Dates, and Work Order or Work Requests.


Earliest The earliest date the work request can be performed. For a forecasted job, the earliest date is based on the earliest deviation set in Standard Job MCC.
Due The due date of the work request. If a forecasted job, it is the actual date the job is due based on the Standard Job MCC intervals.
Latest The latest date the work request is to be performed. If a forecasted job, this is the latest date the job is due based on the latest deviation set in Standard Job MCC.

Additional Information

Source Indicates who reported the work request (for example, a dispatcher or operator).
Symptom A valid code that describes what is occurring when a unit has a mechanical failure.


Free form field to add notes for the work request. The notes are moved to the job notes after the work request is added to the work order.

Warranty Notes

Warranty Complaint You can enter the complaint when System Flag 5234 is Y.
Displays on Insight Notes from the Telematic Fault Query frame.
Warranty Cause Note You can enter the cause of the job when System Flag 5235 is Y.
Displays on Insight Notes from the Telematic Fault Query frame.
Warranty Correction Note You can enter notes when completing or cancelling warranty jobs. See System Flags 2067 and 5067.

Summary tab

The Summary tab provides a summary of the actual time and cost summary Per Job and Job/Quantity. The following read-only fields display:


Parts tab

The Parts tab allows you to enter a list of valid parts needed to perform the work.


Part Number Enter the part number.
Description Read-only field that automatically displays.
Quantity Enter the number of parts required.
Unit Inventory Unit of inventory (for example, EACH or BOX).
Unit Price Read-only field that displays the price of the unit inventory.
Total Qty Indicates the total part quantity.
Total Cost Total cost of the parts.


Incidents tab

Incident Number Number of the incident associated with the work request.
Status Status of the incident.
Description Description of the incident.
Component Description of the component.
Condition Automatically displays with a value from Additional Information on the Work Request Incident frame.

Estimates tab


Labor Estimates Always Entered as Hours

System Flag 5230 controls whether you can modify the flag and the description. Labor estimates are:


Dependent on flag 5230 as to whether this is an editable flag and the description:

Part Cost Comes from the Parts on the List by Default

System Flag 5231 controls whether you can modify the flag and the description. Part costs come:

Details are always entered

System Flag 5232 controls whether you can modify the flag and the descriptions.

Allow changes on job?

Select the checkbox if the user can change the job code.

Fixed Price

Select the checkbox if the job should be charged a fixed price or the estimated cost and not the actual cost.

Span Shifts

Select the checkbox if the job can be performed on any shift when the job can span shifts.


Job Quantity The number of jobs to be performed on the work request. The default is 1 and can be changed.
Labor Time The estimated hours to perform the job.
Shop Time Amount of time the job usually takes of the shop's resources (for example, cleaning up, running for parts, and tools).
Contingency Time Additional time planned for the job.
Book Time Number of hours to be billed when billing estimates.
Industry Standard Time Time to perform the job based on Mitchell's or Alldata.
Priority Select a job priority code from the dropdown.
Crew Size The number of people needed to perform the work.
Labor Cost You can enter only if labor hours are entered and System Flag 5230 for costs calculated is selected.
Part Cost You can enter only if the part cost based on System Flag 5231 is selected.
Commercial Cost Enter the estimated cost for any vendor repairs.
Estimated Cost/Job The total estimated cost for labor, parts, and commercial charges to perform the job.

Shop Time

Note: If you enter data in the Shop Time field, the component does not replace the data you entered.

Work Request Resources

Work request resources lists the resources needed for the work requests. Used with the shop planning module.


System Flags

See the System Flags Table for a complete description of a system flag.


Role Privileges

See the Role Privileges Table for a complete description of a privilege.


See also:

Multiple Work Requests

Work Request Campaign

Work Request Incident

Standard Job MCC

Test Suite Maintenance


Telematic Fault Query

Forecaster Application User Guide

Workflow Application Training User Guide


System Administration Application User Training



Last Updated: 03/22/2021 ,  03/2023,  11/2023



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.