The Multiple Work Requests frame provides quick entry to enter multiple work requests for the same unit. The functionality allows you to:
You are required to add parts, incident information, or estimates on the Work Request Main frame after the work request is created.
Within Work Request
Within the Work Requests i-frame
Note: After you select SAVE,
the i-frame clears and allows you to enter rows for the same unit, if
Unit - The unit number. The unit year/make/model/manufacture information displays as read-only.
Serial#/VIN - Read-only. The serial or vehicle information number of the unit.
Maintenance Location - Read-only. The current maintenance location of the unit.
Job - Combination of the work accomplished code, system code, and component code. Defines the type of work that will be performed on the unit.
Job Reason - Defines the job that needs to be performed to the unit or the cause.
Maintenance Location - The units maintenance location from unit main. This field automatically displays and can be changed.
Earliest Date - The earliest date the work request can be performed.
Due Date - The due date of the work request.
Latest Date - The latest date the work request should be performed.
Est Cost/Job - The total estimated cost for labor, parts, and commercial charges to perform the job.
Direct Charge Account - Direct account that should be charged for the job.
Ext Data - External data for a work order job. This is configured on the Job Reason frame. Free form field, limited to 15 alphanumeric characters.
Notes - Notes for the work request.
Complaint Note - Enter the complaint if System Flag 5234 is Y.
Cause Note - Enter the cause of the job if System Flag 5235 is Y.
1312 - Use Owning or Using Department to Calculate Markups? - Markups and Labor Rates can be calculated based on a unit's department. This flag determines whether the system should use the Owning (O) department or the Using (U) department at the time of the transaction. If System Flag 5130 is Y, then it will be at the time of the work order open date.
2140 - Enable enhanced warranty exclusions? (Y/N) - When this system flag is set to "Y" Warranty Exclusion Terms can be defined for each System/Component and violations will be triggered looking at Sub-Unit first then Whole Unit second. When this system flag is set to "N", Warranty Violations will be checked at Whole Unit first then Sub-Unit second (then Parts).
5001 - Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code? - This flag allows the user to define how they wish their job codes to display. If "Y", a 3-char system code is needed with the job code like 02-013-001. If "N" (the default), M5 utilizes the standard job code like 02-13-001.
5230 - Estimates: Labor hours entered, or labor costs? (1-4) - Estimates: Labor hours entered, or labor costs? The settings are 1-4This flag has four settings:
1: Labour estimates are always entered as hours; 2: Labour estimates are hours as default, but costs may be entered; 3: Labour estimates are entered as costs, but hours may be entered; 4: Labour estimates are always entered as costs.
5231 - Estimates: Base part costs on list, or entered value? (1-4) - Estimates: Base part costs on list, or entered value? The settings are 1-4This flag has four settings:
1: The part cost always comes from the sum of the parts on the list; 2: The part cost comes from the parts on the list by default; 3: The part cost comes from an entered value by default; 4: The part cost always comes from an entered value.
5232 - Total Estimated Costs/Job Costs - Total Estimated Costs: 1: Total Estimated Costs are always calculated from Details. 2: Total Estimated Costs may be entered; calculated value by default. 3: Total Estimated Costs may be calculated; entered value by default. 4: Total Estimated Costs are always entered.
5234 - Require "Complaint" notes on Work Request? (Y/N) - Warranty "Complaint" notes must be entered on work request for a warranty job.
5235 - Require "Cause" notes on Work Request? (Y/N) - Warranty "Cause" notes must be entered on work request for a warranty job.
5403 - Require Estimated Labor Hours? (Y/N) - System default will be "N". If the value is set to "Y", then estimated hours will be required (greater than 0) on the job tab for work order, work order express, work request, and work request campaign screen.
Application Training User Guide
Last Updated: 03/22/2021, 03/2023
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.