Work Request Campaign


Campaign/Recall Management Overview

The Recall/Campaign functionality allows you to automatically creates work request jobs and alerts technicians about the pending recalls and campaigns when the unit work order is opened.


Jobs created under the Recall/Campaign Management module can be defined by many different criteria. M5 tracks job history as well as time and costs associated with the recall/campaign. To view Work Requests created by a campaign/recall, use the Work Request Query frame.

Work Request Parameters


General Tab

Contact Information:

Schedule Information


You must enter an Earliest Date, Preferred Date, and a Latest Date in the Dates Section. The Notes section has fields for general Notes, Warranty Complaint Notes, Warranty Cause Notes, and Warranty Correction Notes. If System Flag 5278 is set to 'Y' to require 3C Notes on Warranty Claim Manager, then the last three notes fields are required.  


Inclusions Tab


In order to select a field for inclusion, check the box under the Enable Column. The Operator field is where the conditions are set for this report. The Operator field is defaulted to equal. Use the pull down menu to see all the operators available.


In the Value column, enter the specific value to be selected. Use the list of values button to see valid selections if necessary.


Inclusions File Tab


This functionality allows the user to import a file with a list of unit numbers or serial numbers of units that will be included in the campaign.  This needs to be a simple text file.


Summary Tab


This tab displays information and data related to the status of the campaign. The number of Work Requests, Open Jobs, Completed Jobs, and Total Jobs will display here along with the Actual Time and Cost Summary information.


Parts Required Tab


If there are any parts required for the job, you can enter them on this tab. To add a part, enter a valid part number from Part Main or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV). The Description will populate automatically. Next, enter the quantity of the required part needed for the job.


Units Tab


The Units tab allows you to view a list of units included in the campaign along with their Work Request, Work Order, and Job Status information.


Estimates Tab



Generate Work Requests


The next step is to create or generate the work requests. The system will supply a campaign number automatically in the number field. There can be up to three steps to be performed to generate the campaign work requests.


Campaign Update Cascade

This functionality allows for changes made after finalization to “cascade” down to all work requests that are still open in that campaign. This helps save the time and effort involved in changing each open work request manually after the campaign has been finalized and changes to the campaign are made.


Depending on application user profile settings, you will see an option on either the More drop-down menu or an icon (arrows/exclamation point) at the top of the screen that corresponds to the action: “Update - Finalized campaign, Bulk Changes to Existing Outstanding Work Requests.”


System Flags

Flag No. Description Notes
5001 Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code? This flag allows the user to define how they wish their job codes to display. If "Y", a 3-char system code is needed with the job code like 02-013-001. If "N" (the default), M5 utilizes the standard job code like 02-13-001.
5012 Maximum number of Part Catalogue records for automatic search This flag denotes the maximum number of part records to auto query when a user requests a search on the same part number that has multiple manufacturers. This flag works with the functionality that displays a list of values when the user tabs out of the part number field.  If the part number requested has more than the allowable number of parts to return denoted by this system flag then the list of values will not auto query.  This is to prevent a long running search of query results from potentially slowing the system down. In the event that the part number count exceeds the allowable parts count and the list of values does not auto query the user needs to enter additional filter criteria to manually search.  The default for this system flag is 100.
5109 Copy the parts list to the Pending Parts table. If this mod flag is set to "Y", the parts lists from the standard job or work request will be copied to the Pending Parts table.
5230 Estimates: Labor hours entered, or labor costs?

Estimates:  Labor hours entered, or labor costs? The settings are 1-4This flag has four settings:

  1: Labour estimates are always entered as hours;

  2: Labour estimates are hours as default, but costs may be entered;

  3: Labour estimates are entered as costs, but hours may be entered;

  4: Labour estimates are always entered as costs.

5231 Estimates:  Base part costs on list, or entered value? (1-4)

Estimates:  Base part costs on list, or entered value? The settings are 1-4This flag has four settings:

  1: The part cost always comes from the sum of the parts on the list;

  2: The part cost comes from the parts on the list by default;

  3: The part cost comes from an entered value by default;

  4: The part cost always comes from an entered value.

5232 Total Estimated Costs/Job Costs

Total Estimated Costs:

  1: Total Estimated Costs are always calculated from Details.

  2: Total Estimated Costs may be entered; calculated value by default.

  3: Total Estimated Costs may be calculated; entered value by default.

  4: Total Estimated Costs are always entered.

5234 Require "Complaint" notes on Work Request? (Y/N) Warranty "Complaint" notes must be entered on work request for a warranty job.
5235 Require "Cause" notes on Work Request? (Y/N) Warranty "Cause" notes must be entered on work request for a warranty job.
5403 Require Estimated Labor Hours? (Y/N) System default will be "N". If the value is set to "Y", then estimated hours will be required (greater than 0) on the job tab for work order, work order express, work request, and work request campaign screen.


Role Privilege


Role No. Privilege Definition
140 UNLOCK CAMPAIGN Allows a user to unlock a finalized campaign so the units in the campaign can be modified and re-finalized. Dates cannot be modified.



See also:

Direct Account Codes

Employee Main

Job Reasons

Part Main Catalog

Work Order Main

Work Request Main

Work Request Query

Work Request Campaign Quick Guide



Last Updated 5/14/2019,  03/2023





NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.