Employee Main

The Employee Main frame allows you to create and maintain records for individuals involved with labor and other processes pertaining to your fleet organization. Once an individual is assigned an Employee ID, their work related activities can be tracked, billed and managed throughout the system.


General tab


The General tab contains information like the employee's Job Title, Shift Codes, Payroll Information, Start Date, and Position Information.


Job Information:



Shift Information:



Charge Rate Information:



Allow Request Parts for Issue to:


Check all that apply: Unit, Work Order, Indirect Acct, Direct Acct, Department. Can they issue parts on Part Issue or Work Order Main?


Additional Information:



Position Information:



Assignment tab


The Assignment tab contains general information about the employee's Home Location, Department, and Union and Supervisor, if applicable.



Payroll tab


The Payroll tab comes into play if the rate for charging labor is payroll rate as indicated by the flag check box on the General tab.


Enter the employee's Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Pay Classes and Pay Steps. The Pay Step identifies the increment of pay for employees within their class.


Enter a valid Time Type or select one from the LOV to set the employee's default time type. The default type will be used when approving labor. Only enter a time type in this field if you want the employee to be paid at a premium rate depending on the employee specific time type.


Subordinates tab


The Subordinates tab displays the Employee IDs and Names of the employee's subordinates. The employee must be designated as a supervisor.


Resource Type tab


If you are assigning jobs by resource type (see System Flag 5233), enter the Resource Types on this tab. Employees can have more than resource type assigned to them. This is also part of the Shop Planning module.


Driver Information tab


You can begin the setup of driver-specific details for employees, including driving license information and even attachments (for PDF license copies). Rather than navigating to Driver Main, as in the past, you can now begin the driver setup on this tab.


Note: This tab will be read-only unless the Driver flag on the General tab is set to ‘Yes’.


Both Driver Status and Driver Type are required fields if the employee is designated as a driver.


Motor Pool Class tab


The Motor Pool Class tab allows you to restrict Motor Pool Access for the employee. Check the Restrict MP Reservations flag if you want to limit the employee's reservation capabilities.


In the Authorized Motor Pool Classes section, enter any Motor Pool Rental Classes that the employee will be authorized to reserve.


System Flags


1061 - Shift Code Required for Employee? (Y/N) - If set to 'Y', you must enter a shift code on the Employee Main frame identifying which shift an employee works. If set to 'N' and a shift code is not entered on the Employee Main frame, the shift defaults to zero.


1213 - Validate Pay class on Labor Charges? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', only the valid Pay Steps and Classes set for the employee on Employee Main can be used to charge labor on the Labor Wedge or Labor Payroll Approval frames.


2010 - Validate User/Operator as a Valid Employee ID? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', the operator of a unit must be designated as such in the Employee Main frame.


5009 - Use employee PIN on Labor Wedge? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', then a PIN number will be required when entering time using the Labor Wedge frame. The default value is 'N'.


5218 - Job Assignments Enforce Employee Home Location to Match Job Location? - (Y/N) - When this flag is set to 'Y' employee job assignments will force a match on the employee home location and the job location. When setting this flag to 'N' employee job assignments will not restrict a match on the employee home location and the job location. This flag does not change assignment groups they will still adhere to location restrictions.


5223 - Capture Employee Technician Number and PIN on Part Issue? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y' a window will appear prompting the user to enter an Employee Number and PIN.  The employee must either be a technician or supervisor.  The Employee number will default to the login user Employee number.


5233 - Assignment of Employee by Resource Type? (E/N/W) - This flag enforces the assignment of an employee by resource type during the real-time labor capture process through both the Shop Portal and the Labor Wedge functionality. This flag will not be enforced within any after-the-fact labor entry process (such as Labor Time Card) where the actual work has already occurred.


5296 - Use Employee Pin on Labor Time Card? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', then a PIN number will be require when entering time from Labor Time Card. The default is 'N'.


5325 - Require Union on Employee Main? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', the Union field on Employee Main is required.


5469 - Allow Images to be Associated with Employee Records? (Y/N) - This flag is used to control the association of employee images to employee records. This value will be set to 'N' by default to not display the common image picker control on employee screens. This is a screen designer control. When this value is set to 'Y' the image picker control will display when added to custom designed employee screens.


Please see Labor Management Application User Training for all the details involved in configuring employees and labor related modules, codes, and system flags.




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.