
Home > Maintenance > Labor Capture > Labor Time Card



Labor Time Card

The Labor Time Card frame allows you to enter an employee's time and account for work performed on indirect account charges or work order jobs.


 When you select an employee ID the Payroll Date defaults to the current date but may be changed as needed. When the date is entered the Shift information for the employee will appear. Under Type, choose Work order or Indirect Account.


If the time is for a work order, enter the work order number and the job code. Enter the time in decimal equivalent hours. If you need to correct a labor transaction you may enter a negative number. Click 'Save' when finished.


System Flags


1212 - Time before WO open for labor charges - Time before WO open for labor charges?  This flag allows the user to set the number of days prior to the open date that labor can be entered and charged to the WO. This allows for back-dating of labor. The default is "0".


5003 - Capture Time Type/Pay Class/Step on Labor Entry - If this flag is set to Yes, then the Time Type, Pay Class and Pay Step of the Employee will be captured during the Labor Entry process. The default is No.


5005 - Record Time as Time in/Time Out - If the flag is set to Yes, then a user beginning time will be recorded as Time In and his end time will be recorded as Time Out.


5154 - Allow zero (0) entry time on labor time card - Set to Yes will allow users to enter a zero time duration on the Labor Time Card screen. This will also allow a zero time duration when the user inputs the Time In/Out fields controlled by mod flag 5005.


5296 - Use employee PIN on Labor Time Card? (Y/N) - If the flag is set to "Y", then a PIN number will be required when entering time from the Labor Time Card. The default is No.


5297 - Allow Supv pin override on Labor Time Card? (Y/N) - If the flag is set to "Y", a supervisor with privilege is allowed to override the employee pin on the Labor Time Card. The default is No.


Last Updated: 03/27/2017




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.