Shop Planning Resources

The Shop Planning Resources frame allows you to setup and maintain a list of resource types for use in the Shop Planning Module. Resource Types can be assigned to employees on Employee Main to define certain skills such as ‘Electrician’, ‘Welder’, ‘General Mechanic’, etc. They can also be assigned to departments on Department Main to define Work Order Parameters.




To create a new Shop Planning Resource, click in the blank Resource field and enter the new code. This field has a limit of five characters. Then enter a description of the code, this field has a limit of 30 characters.


For example: ELEC – Electrician, WELD – Welder, GM – General Mechanic.


Next, you can enter a Markup Scheme if you want to apply any markups to transactions involving this resource type.  Once the entry is complete, click the Save button at the top of the frame.




You can modify the Description or Markup fields for an existing resource type. Once the code has been created and saved you will not be able to modify the Resource field.


After you have made the necessary changes to the resource type, click the Save button to update the record.




To disable a resource type, check the Disabled flag at the end of the row. Click the Save button to disabled to resource type.




You can delete a resource type provided it is not in use on any other tables in the system. If the code is in use, you will not be able to delete it from the list.


To delete a resource type that is not in use, click in the row of the code you want to delete to make it active. Click the Delete button (Red X) at the top of the frame. The selected row will turn red. Click the Save button to delete the resource type from the system.


System Flags


5229 – Match Dept Resource Type for Part Issue? (Y/N) – Setting this flag to ‘Y’, will activate the Resource Type button on the Department Main frame and require that parts issued to a department be validated against the department resource types.


5233 – Assignment of Employee by Resource Type? (E/N/W) – This flag enforces the assignment of an employee by resource type during the real-time labor capture process through both the Shop Portal and the Labor Wedge functionality.  This flag will not be enforced within any after-the-fact labor entry process (such as Labor Time Card) where the actual work has already occurred.


When this flag is set to "N", there will be no change in current processing. When this flag is set to "E" and the job assigned to the employee has a resource type defined, the employee must have the same resource type defined that is not expired. When this flag is set to "W" and the job assigned to the employee has a resource type defined, provide a warning if the employee does not have the same resource type or if the resource type for the employee is expired.


For more information see Shop Planning Schedule and Calendar.



Last Update: 06/06/2016




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.