Work Request Incident

The Work Request Incident frame allows you to create an incident for a unit, component, or department that needs work done, when entering the incident on the Work Request Main frame would require more detail. The incident gathers initial or general information before the next step. You can then create a work request from the incident at a later time.

You can use the Screen Designer frame to customize the Work Request Incident frame.


How to:

Create an Incident

  1. Select Unit, Dept, or Comp.
  2. Enter the unit, department, or component number or select from the list of values. The description displays.

Note: A warning message appears when you enter a unit or component in sold or budgeted status. New Incident will not be available.

  1. Select New Incident.

  2. Enter the Status.

Note: User-defined field, limited to three characters.

  1. Select the Incident Status:

  1. Select Save.




Notes is a free-form field for you to add any additional notes or details about the incident. This is a required field.


This section appears when you create an incident for a unit only.


Serial Number Automatically populates from Unit Main if the unit has a serial number.
Date In Service Unit in service date.
Parking Location Parking location for the unit.
Maintenance Location Location where the maintenance will be performed.
Asset Class Asset class code of the unit.
Meter, Reading, Type Primary and secondary meter readings of the unit.


This section appears when you create an incident for a department only.


This section appears when you create an incident for a component only.


Serial Number Automatically populates from Component Main if the unit has a serial number.
Date In Service Component in service date.
Parking Location Parking location where the component is currently.
Maintenance Location Location Maintenance for the component.
Failed at State State of component where it failed.
Meter, Reading, Type Primary and secondary meter readings of the component.

Additional Information

Source Service request source name.
Symptom Displays when system flag 5008 is Y.
Priority Values are one through nine.
Zone User-defined value.
Component User-defined value.
Condition User-defined value.
Run Displays when system flag 5008 is Y.
Block Displays when system flag 5008 is Y.


Reported By Indicates who reported the work incident.
Name Indicates the work incident contact name.
Phone Indicates the work incident contact phone number.


System Flags


Flag No. Description Notes
2008 Enforce Parking location?  
2010 Validate User/Operator as a valid Employee ID Validate User/Operator as a valid employee? This flag requires that a operator of a unit be designated as such in the Employee Main frame of M5. The default for this is "N".
5001 Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code? This flag allows the user to define how they wish their job codes to display. If "Y", a 3-char system code is needed with the job code like 02-013-001. If "N" (the default), M5 utilizes the standard job code like 02-13-001.
5008 Use Run / Symptom / Block on Incidents Setting this flag to Yes will cause 3 new fields to display on the incident screen (Symptom, Run, Block).
5211 Work Request Incident - Enhanced Field Requirements?

If this system flag is set to "Y", the following 3 fields will be required on Work Request Incident screen: Parking Location, Reported By and Name.

The field Reported By is subject to business rules associated with system flag 2010. If 2010 is Y, Reported By will be required and must be a valid employee. If 2010 is N, Reported By will be required but not validated.

The field Name is subject to business rules associated with system flag 2010. If 2010 is Y, Name is always read only. If 2010 is N, Name will be required but not validated.

5217 Control symptom entry on Incident Main, WR Main, and WO Main (Y/N)? The system flag title will control symptom code entry on Incident Main, Work Request Main, and jobs on Work Order Main using both asset class and source. If Y, then both the asset class and the source will control what symptom codes can be entered or seen using the LOV on the Incident Main, Work Request Main, and jobs on Work Order Main screens. If N, then the user can enter any symptom regardless of asset class or source.
5341 Create Commercial WO Entries from Incident Entry? (Y/N) The default will be N to preserve existing functionality where the creation of work orders and the hyperlink takes the user to Work order Main. If Y, then the user will be taken to the Commercial WO Entry screen instead.
5344 Is incident number required when job reason is flagged as Road Call? (Y/N) If Y, the incident number column will be added on work order main/commercial work order entry and if job reason added is flagged as Road Call, the incident number is required; If N, the incident number column will not be added and incident number is not required.
5420 Use Availability Popup from Incident Screen? Y/N

Default is N. If Y, the unit availability screen will display upon save of incident screen.


Role Privileges


Role No. Privilege Definition
55 EDIT METER 1 Authority to update Meter 1.
56 EDIT METER 2 Authority to update Meter 2..
118 INCIDENT COORDINATOR Allows the user to turn an incident into a WR (thus allowing access to the create WR hyperlink). If not granted then the user won't see the hyperlink on Incident Main.
120 INCIDENT WO - OPEN Allows the user to create a work order from an incident from the incident screen using a hyperlink. If the role does not have this privilege, the hyperlink will not appear.


See also:


Asset Class Code

Component Main

Department Main

Screen Designer

Warranty Unit Setup

Unit Main




Last Updated: 09/04/2020                               03/2023




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.