Warranty Unit Setup

The Warranty Unit Setup frame displays the warranty terms setup at the Warranty Tech Spec level (if they exist) and allows you override those terms or setup individual warranties at the unit level.


This frame allows you to add additional sub-unit warranties, change or override terms, add warranty parts, and change expiration dates.


To view, change, or add warranty terms for a specific unit from Unit Main, enter the unit number or double click in the Unit No. field to select one from the list of values (LOV). After you hit tab or enter, the Unit Information section will populated automatically with the data from Unit Main (Year/Make/Model, Tech Spec, Status, LTD and Meter Information).


Whole Unit


Vendor Information:


The Vendor Information for the warranty displays here (if pulled from the Warranty Tech Spec). For new unit warranty setup or to override the vendor value, enter a valid vendor from Vendor Main or double click in the field to select one from the list of values.


Warranty Details:





A Sub-Unit Warranty applies to a portion of the unit based on its VMRS (ATA) system or system-assembly coding. For example, a warranty for system 17 can be defined for the tire warranty, and further refined to 17-008 for the valve assembly. The terms of a system-assembly warranty are checked before the system terms, and the system terms are checked before the whole-unit warranty terms.


On the Sub-Unit tab you can define the System/Component combination, the Usage, Duration, and Vendor. The Exclude Warranty flag box indicates if system/components are exclusions from the whole unit warranty rather than additions.




You can enter part warranties on the Parts tab. In order to enter a part on this tab, you must first set up the part as a warranty part via the Part Main Catalog and Warranty Part Setup frames.


To add a part, enter the Part No. or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV). You can then define the Usage, Duration, and Vendor values. The Exclude Warranty flag box indicates if parts are exclusions from the whole unit warranty rather than additions.


The default terms on the tech spec and unit apply only if System Flag 2093 is set to “D”.


Issued Parts


When issuing a part the user has the option of overriding the terms by clicking on the “Warr Terms” button on the far right end of the “Part” tab on Work Order Main.  When clicked, a large block appears so that the user can manually enter terms.


The terms as seen in the popup are blank – that is, they do not default to the terms found in the search lists above.  (In fact, at this point the search has not yet been done.)  After entry, a “Close” button in the block saves the terms.


Once applied, the part warranties can be viewed here, on the Issued Parts tab. You can also edit/change the terms and a 'Note' icon is available to save additional notes about the warranty.


System Flags


2093 - Use L)ocation 1st Vend or last R)eceived-From vend or D)efault for Warr Terms - If the flag 2093 is set to "L", the warranty terms lookup will use the Location record 1st Vendor to determine whether to prompt for terms when a warrantied part is issued in the issue frames. If the flag is set to "R", the lookup will use the vendor the part was most recently received from. If the flag is set to "D", neither the location 1st Vendor nor the last Received from vendor warranty terms will be used.


5096 - Restart Part Warranty Terms on Issued Parts? (Y/N) - If the flag is set to Y, then existing M5 functionality will be used. Each warranty part issued will have its own unit part warranty entry created with warranty terms starting from the issue date. If the flag is set to N, the unit warranty part entry is created when existing warranty has expired or never had a unit part warranty entry. If the warranty part issued has an existing unit part warranty entry, and the warranty is not expired, do not create a new unit part warranty row.


Last Updated: 04/29/2020




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.