The Warranty Tech Spec frame allows you to setup and define warranty parameters at the Tech Spec level. This gives you the ability to group warranties together for units within the same Tech Spec. This will save time when entering warranties that are the same for a group of units.
Once the tech spec warranties are defined and the tech spec is applied to the unit, the warranty terms are carried down to the unit. Any changes to the terms of the warranty will not update at the unit level. Only new warranty terms applied at the tech spec level will then carry down to the unit. Otherwise, changes must be made at the unit warranty level.
On this frame you can define:
OEM Whole Unit Warranty – Bumper to bumper.
OEM Extended Warranties – Systems and assemblies.
OEM Parts – Parts installed on the equipment at time of delivery.
NOTE: All warranty processing actually happens at the unit level. See Warranty Unit Setup.
Warranty Tech Spec Template - If you are using a tech spec warranty as a standard, then check the Template check box. Only users that have the privilege of UPD WARR TECH SPEC are authorized to update the template.
Whole Unit
Vendor Information:
For a new warranty setup, enter a valid vendor from Vendor Main or double-click in the field to select one from the list of values if the warranty information is specific to a particular vendor.
Whole Unit Warranty Details:
Usage - Usage for the warranty parameters.
Elapsed Time - Time for warranty, in months.
Meter Type - Miles, Kilometers, Hours, Count.
A Sub-Unit Warranty applies to a portion of the unit based on its VMRS (ATA) system or system-assembly coding. For example, a warranty for system 17 can be defined for the tire warranty, and further refined to 17-008 for the valve assembly. The terms of a system-assembly warranty are checked before the system terms, and the system terms are checked before the whole-unit warranty terms.
On the Sub-Unit tab you can define the System/Component combination, the Usage, Duration, and Vendor. The Exclude Warranty flag box indicates if system/components are exclusions from the whole unit warranty rather than additions.
You can enter part warranties on the Parts tab. In order to enter a part on this tab, you must first set up the part as a warranty part via the Part Main Catalog and Warranty Part Setup frames.
To add a part, enter the Part No. or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV). You can then define the Usage, Duration, and Vendor values. The Exclude Warranty flag box indicates if parts are exclusions from the whole unit warranty rather than additions.
The default terms on the tech spec and unit apply only if System Flag 2093 is set to “D”.
System Flags
2093 - Use L)ocation 1st Vend or last R)eceived-From vend or D)efault for Warr Terms - If the flag 2093 is set to "L", the warranty terms lookup will use the Location record 1st Vendor to determine whether to prompt for terms when a warrantied part is issued in the issue frames. If the flag is set to "R", the lookup will use the vendor the part was most recently received from. If the flag is set to "D", neither the location 1st Vendor nor the last Received from vendor warranty terms will be used.
Role Privileges
UPD WARR TECH SPEC - If the user has this privilege they will be able to modify any tech spec warranty terms that has the ‘template’ flag selected.
Last Updated: 02/24/2017
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.