Asset Class Codes

The Asset Class Codes frame allows you to create and maintain codes to assign to units with similar characteristics to create classes of units.


M5 supports a classification hierarchy for grouping units by type and function. The Asset Class Codes created and maintained here are a key part of this structure.


These codes are assigned to Category Codes on the Category Main frame. This allows for reporting and cost tracking of each category.




To create a new Asset Class Code, for example CARGO VAN, enter the new code in the Code field of the first blank row at the bottom of the i-frame. This field has a limit of ten characters.


Next, enter a description to further define the Asset Class Code. This is a free form field with a limit of thirty characters.


The Location Usage Factor Flag is used in Replacement Modeling. On the Location Main frame, you can set a Replacement LTD Usage Factor. If you want this factor to be used in Replacement Modeling for the new Asset Class Code, select the checkbox. If not, leave the checkbox clear.


Then select the SAVE button at the top of the frame to finish creating the new Asset Class Code.




You can modify the description for existing Asset Class Codes. Select  the description field and highlight the existing description and type the new description over top of it. After complete, select the SAVE button at the top of the frame.




To disable an Asset Class Code, select the Disabled checkbox to the right of the Description field of the code you want to disable.


Select the SAVE button at the top of the frame. After saving, the code will not be available to assign to an Asset Category.




You can only delete an Asset Class Code provided it is not in use anywhere in the system. If a code is in use, you will not be able to delete it.


To delete a code, select the row of the code you want to delete to make it active. Select the DELETE button (Red X ) at the top of the frame. The row will turn red. Select the SAVE button and the code will be removed from the list.




Last Update: 06/06/2016




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.