The Replacement Modeling Module is designed to help users plan the replacement of existing units. The module allows you to create models where eleven different factors can be prioritized and manipulated until a model meets your requirements. The model measures individual unit life-to-date performance for the eleven factors against every other unit in the same category.
The modeling process requires the completion of several sequential steps. First you create the model using various filters that help you identify potential units for disposal. Next you prioritize the eleven factors used for a further comparison of these potential candidate units. Then you generate the model and a group of units is selected based on the first two steps. At this point you have another opportunity to use a filter and budget assistant to make additional comparisons to help your evaluation. Once you are satisfied, you select the units to be marked as final disposal candidates. At each step of this process you have the ability to revert back to the previous step with one simple click of your mouse. The last step is to finalize the model which changes the unit status and disposal reason codes on the units. Once the model is finalized you can no longer revert back to the previous step.
Creating the unit status and disposal reason codes is part of the initial setup of your system. See the System Administration Application User Training manual for more information.
Assigning categories to tech specs is crucial for utilizing the Replacement Modeling Module. Categories establish a unit's basic age and utilization factors and set additional parameters that enable the module to budget, prioritize and finance replacement units. See Category Main for more details on how this is achieved.
Unit Condition is one of the eleven factors used for replacement modeling prioritization. The Unit Main screen displays the Unit Condition code (0 is worst, 9 is best). Identifying the condition is normally done during the inventory process. See Unit Asset Inventory Entry for more information.
See the Asset Management Application Training guide for more information.
Last Update: 06/06/2016
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Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.