Product Main

To associate any product with a tank, unit, or department you must first define the product details on the Product Main frame.




To create a new product, enter a new product number in the Number field. This field has a limit of two characters. After pressing tab or enter, you will be prompted to confirm that you want to create the new product. Click ‘Create’ to continue.


Next, enter a description for the new product. This field has a limit of 20 characters. For example, RG – Regular Fuel.


General Information:



Billing Defaults:



Pricing Information:





To modify a product, type the product number in the Number field or double click to select a product from the list of values (LOV). After making any necessary changes to the product details, click the Save button at the top of the frame to update the record.




You can delete a product provided it is not in use anywhere else in the system. If the product is already in use, you will not be able to delete the product. You will receive an error informing you the product is already in use on another table in the system.


To delete a product that is not in use, enter the product number or double click in the number field to select a product from the list of values (LOV). After the product data loads on the frame, click the Delete button (Red X) at the top of the frame. You will receive a prompt asking if you are sure you want to delete the product. Click ‘Delete’ to confirm the action.


System Flags


1045 – Type of Pricing to Use for Products? (I/L/R) – The unit price for products is calculated at the time of receipt. There are three methods which can be used for the calculations: I (Installation Average), L (Location Average), R (Replacement Average).


5140 – Always Bill Product Standard Price? (Y/N) – Setting this flag to ‘Y’ will bill a new standard price that can be setup from the Product Setup frame.  In addition, a new field Override Standard Price will be visible on Product Main. Setting this flag to ‘N’ will hide the Override Standard Price field on the Product Setup frame.


For more information see the Fuel Process User Guide.


Last Update 07/01/2020




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.