The Unit Request frame allows you to create a new unit request or request to replace an existing unit.
Note: If System Flag 5169 is Y, you must create a unit request and have approval before adding a unit to Unit Purchase Requisition and Unit Main.
Note: Requests with a status of Awaiting must be approved on the Unit Request Approve frame. Requests with a status of Request must be approved on this frame.
Requestor - This is a read-only field.
Delivery Date - The expected date of delivery for the new unit.
Approver - Enter an approver or select from the List of Values. Select Approve and then SAVE. Note: With the required role privilege, you can approve on this frame.
Reject Reason - Enter a reject reason when System Flag 5192 is Y. Select Reject and then SAVE.
Lease Type - Enter when you select Leased from the Ownership dropdown.
When System Flag 5521 is set to Y, the Unit Request frame sets the request status to Awaiting for all request types following approval by a user with the UNIT REQUEST TIER 1 role privilege. Requests in Awaiting status require UNIT REQUEST TIER 2 approval and appear on the Unit Request Approve frame.
Replaces Unit - Required field for a replacement request. Enter the unit number of the unit being replaced.
Fuel Location - Location where the unit is fueled.
Delivery Location - Location where the unit is delivered.
Activity - Activity code assigned to the unit.
Tech Spec - Tech spec assigned to the unit.
MCC - MCC assigned to the unit.
Operator - Operator assigned to the unit.
Disposal Status - Indicates the disposal status of the unit being replaced.
Estimated Date - Estimated date of the unit disposal.
Disposal Reason - Reason the unit is being disposed.
Employee - Employee who is disposing of the unit.
Note: When System Flag 5186 is Y, Disposal Status, Estimated Date, and Disposal Reason are required fields for a replacement request. The Replaces Unit and Disposal fields are not available for new unit requests.
A free form field to enter notes about the request.
The Category Code is a required field. If you enter a Tech Spec number for the unit on the Details tab, the category code associated with the tech spec number automatically populates.
If you do not enter a Tech Spec number for the unit, you can enter a Category Code or select one from the List of Values.
Note: Any change in the unit's tech spec results in a change to the category code.
Base - Read-only field. Displays based on the value you enter on Category Main as the category code.
Options - The amount populates when you select the Selected checkbox within the Option Selections for Category i-frame.
Total - The total amount populates when you select the Selected checkbox within the Option Selections for Category i-frame.
To select an option, select the Selected checkbox. The option value populates in the Options field within the Category Budget Amount section. The Total field reflects the change to the update. After you select SAVE, you can modify the Selected Value field.
Enter User Class Codes when required. User class codes are user defined codes which classify units unique to your fleet operations.
System Flags 1181 through 1185 control whether user class codes are mandatory on units. Each of the user classes has its own system flag that is used to make the specific class code required.
System Flags 1181-1185 control whether user class codes are required for units. Each of the user classes has its own system flag that can be used to make a specific class code required.
System Flag 1181 - Make class 1 mandatory on units?
System Flag 1182 - Make class 2 mandatory on units?
System Flag 1183 - Make class 3 mandatory on units?
System Flag 1184 - Make class 4 mandatory on units?
System Flag 1185 - Make class 5 mandatory on units?
The Items tab displays and allows updates to Unit Request Items. You can select the Show All Items checkbox to display all items associated with the unit request.
The Item Information i-frame displays the following fields:
Notifications when approval is needed for a unit request or if a unit request is rejected can be setup on the Notification Manager frame.
For example, you can notify the approver designated on the request that approval is needed or when a request is rejected you may want the requester to be notified.
Notifications are sent to valid email addresses set up in M5.
See the System Flags Table for a complete listing of system flags.
See the Role Privileges Table for a complete listing role privileges.
Asset Management Application Training
Last Update: 04/19/2019, 07/2023
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.