Notification Manager

The Notification Manager frame allows you to configure email notifications triggered by certain system events. You can customize the subject line and text of the notification the system generates and sends to the designated user.



Edit a Notification

You can edit the notification Subject or Message when the notification is not disabled. If Disabled is Yes, the notification information is read-only.


How to:

Edit a Notification

  1. Change the Subject and body of the Message.
  2. Select a variable from Message Variables. Note: When the system sends the email, the real data for the event will replace the variable.
  3. Select SAVE.


Multiple Email Notifications

The system can send multiple email notifications to different entities for notification events. You must move contacts that you want to receive the notification message to the Assigned column. For example, when selling a unit, the system can send a message to both the owning department contact and the maintenance location contact.



You can add attachments to notifications that are active to send with the email notification. To add attachments, select the Attach button. The Show Attachments window opens for you to Attach a new file, Attach a web address, or Attach a previously uploaded file or web address. Select OK to return to the Notification Manager frame.


Notification History Query

You can search for and view past notification events using the Notification History Query frame.


Event Information

Acquire Unit

You can select Using Dept of Unit or Owner Dept of Unit as recipients of email notifications. The email notification address is defined on the Unit Main frame within the Dept/Locations tab, in Department Information as Owning or Using.


Tank Alarm

Tank Alarm notifications are suppressed when the tank alarm code is 00 (All Functions Normal).


Exclude from Unit Notifications

When you select the Exclude from Unit Notifications checkbox on the Category Main frame, the system will not send a notification for the category code.


System Flag

5431 - Hide Attachment Replace file option? - If “Y”, the replace option will not appear when doing attachment. System default should be "N" to preserve existing functionality. Note that if this flag is set to "Y", it will be global.


5496 - Use Location-Specific Notifications (Y/N)? - Default value is N to preserve the current functionality. When Y, the Notification Manager's “Disabled” drop down will present a third variable, “Location.”  When set to “Location,” the user will still be able to setup a particular notification on the Notification Manager frame as per current functionality, however there will be an additional ability to set up the notification at the Location level.


See also:

Category Main


Notification History Query

Location Main

System Flags


Unit Main


System Administration Application User Training


Notification Manager Quick Reference Guide




Last Updated :  02/2023, 07/2023




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.