Unit Purchase Orders

The Unit Purchase Orders frame is used to create and maintain purchase orders for new units. These purchase orders can be associated with Unit Purchase Requisitions to complete the Unit Request Process.


View or Modify

To view or modify an existing unit purchase order, enter the purchase order number in the Number field or select from the List of Values by double-clicking in the field.


Detail tab

To create a new unit purchase order, in the Purchase Order section enter a number in the Number field. This is a user defined field that can come from an external financial system or it could be the number assigned by the vendor to your order.


You will receive a message that the unit purchase order number does not exist, select the Create button to confirm the action. The Description field is a free form field used to define the purchase order, limit is 30 characters. The Status defaults to Build.


In the Vendor section, enter the vendor number from which the unit is being purchased in the Number field. The vendor’s Name, Address, City, and State will automatically display the information on Vendor Main. The vendor’s Phone number is an optional field.


A Tender No. can be entered. This field can be used if there is something like an official agreement for the vendor to supply the asset at a stated fixed price that you would also like to associate with the purchase order for the unit.


You can set a Purchase Order Limit for the purchase order in the Total Amount section. If entered, the Total PO Amount is not to exceed this value. The Tax Amount field will automatically display applicable taxes.


If you wish to define the year, make, model for the units purchased against the purchase order enter a tech spec Number in the Technical Specification section.


In the Dates section:


The values in the Unit Purchases to Date and Unit Counts sections are read-only and will update as units are ordered against the P.O. and then received into the fleet. Unit Purchases to Date keeps a running total of the original Purchase Order amounts and any Change Orders that are applied to the purchase orders.


The On Order field in the Unit Counts section will update when the P.O. is associated with a Unit Purchase Requisition. The Received field will update when a unit is received on Unit Main. This is done by entering an Acquisition Date on the Meter/Accounting tab.


There is a free form Notes field to add any additional information or details about the unit purchase order.


Units tab

The Units tab allows you to view all unit numbers ordered against the purchase order. All fields are read-only except the Delivery Date field. The monetary values are pulled from the purchase requisition that the purchase order is associated with.


The Status of the units will change as they progress through the Unit Request Process. Ordered Status means they have been associated with a requisition that is in an On Order Status and Received means that an acquisition date has been entered on Unit Main.


Payment tab

You can keep track of any payments made to the vendor for the purchase order on the Payment tab. The fields are user defined.


Enter an Invoice No. to reference the payment, Payment Date, Unit No, Payment Amt, Check No., Voucher no, and Packing Slip. To add any additional notes to each payment record, select the Notepad icon at the end of the row.


As you enter payment information, the Payment Total, Unpaid Balance, and Available PO Balance will update at the bottom of the frame to reflect the changes.


Non-Unit Charges tab

The Non-Unit Charges tab functions exactly like the Payment tab, it can be used to track any non-unit related expenses associated with the purchase order. Payments entered here will also impact payment and balance information at the bottom of the frame.


Payment and Balance Totals

Payment Total – Total from the payment amounts entered on the Payment tab plus the total from payments entered on Non-Unit Charges tab.


Unpaid Balance – Total unit purchases to date minus any payments recorded on the Payment tab or the Non-Unit Charges tab.


Available PO Balance – Total allowable purchase order amount minus total unit purchases to date and any Non-Unit Charges.


System Flags

See the System Flags Table for a complete listing of system flags.



See also:

Tech Spec Main


Unit Main


Unit Purchase Requisitions


Vendor Main


Asset Management Application Training



Last Update: 06/06/2016



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.