This Motor Pool Manager frame allows you to administer all Motor Pool functionality. You can create a ticket for a reservation, record the pick up and return times and meter information and billing method.
The Reservation tab allows you to make reservations for a specific unit or just a unit in a specific Motor Pool Rental Class. The system checks other reservations and rentals against the information you enter to ensure availability of the rental class or unit before it accepts and creates the reservation.
The Pickup/Return tab allows you to enter information pertaining to when the vehicle is actually picked up for the reservation date/time and when it is returned.
Adjustment History
The Adjustment History tab allows you to view any changes or adjustments made to a Motor Pool reservation ticket. You can see the field changed, old value and new value and the changed by user.
COMBO Billing Explanation
The way COMBO billing option on Motor Pool Manager works is when you return the vehicle, you can break down the charges by hour, day, week, month.
For example, you rented a vehicle from 11/15/2015 to 12/15/2015. The total elapsed time would be 720 hours. When you exclude weekends from the total you end up with approximately 493 hours.
From there, rather than billing all 493 hours at the hourly rate, you can break it down so that if you have a discounted rate for days, weeks, and months it will bill each unit of time at the appropriate rate.
So, in this example you have 493 hours, but you want to apply a weekly rate of $500. You can enter $500 into the rate field for "weeks" and that gives you two weeks of time to bill at $500. Now that leaves 157.25 hours. You can apply a daily rate of $100. That will bill six days of the rental period at $100 per day.
After the weekly and daily rates have been applied, you are left with 13.25 remaining hours to bill at the hourly rate.
When A Reservation is Considered 'Expired'
There is a section on Location Main where you can set a value for Late Pickup Hours so that a ticket will expire within x number of hours of their pickup date/time. Tickets are expired at either the moment their pickup date/time passes OR the pickup date/time + the late pickup hours.
For more information see the Motor Pool Application User Training Guide.
System Flags
1191 – Use Account Number for Motor Pool? (Y/N) - Use acct. # for motor pool flag asks if you want an account number enforced when using motor pool units. The default value is N.
1196 – Maximum Number of Hours in a Half-Day for Motor Pool Rentals - The Motor Pool Module provides for the billing of motor pool units based on the amount of time the vehicle is in use. The module flag "Maximum number of hours in a half day for motor pool rentals" allows the user to define the exact number of hours in a half day within the frame Motor Pool Completion process. The Maximum Number of hours in a half day will be used to calculate the total charges for the ticket. If your rental day is to be calculated on a twenty-four hour clock, your half day might be 12 hours.
2017 – Motor Pool Renters must have Valid Employee Numbers? (Y/N) - Validate renters as valid employee numbers? The flag will ensure that all renters in the motor pool in the "rented by" fields are valid employees. The default is "N".
2022 – Is Meter Update Mandatory when Completing a Motor Pool Ticket? (Y/N) - Meter reading required when updating motor pool ticket? This flag will require that any updates to a motor pool ticket be accompanied by a current meter reading. To maintain more current meter readings, the default for this is "Y".
2070 – Allow Motor Pool Tickets on Units not in the Fleet? (Y/N) - If this system flag is set to "Y", then the user can create free-form unit numbers that are not real M5 units during the motor pool pickup process. These units are temporary units and are not retained after the motor pool ticket is closed.
5143 – Require All Motor Pool Reservations to be Approved? (Y/N) - Setting this flag to "Y" will require that all Motor Pool reservations be approved for employees that require an approval.
5220 – Motor Pool Destination Field is Required? (Y/N) – When this flag is set to ‘Y’, the Destination field will be required on Motor Pool Tickets.
5221 – Motor Pool Reason is Required? (Y/N) – When this flag is set to ‘Y’, the Reason field will be required on Motor Pool tickets.
5222 – Motor Pool Default Application User Employee as the Renter? (Y/N) - When this flag is set to "Y" the renter field on motor pool tickets will be defaulted to the employee number associated with the application user.
5309 – Require Motor Pool Reservation Approval by Pickup Location? (Y/N) - Setting this flag to ‘Y’ will require that all Motor Pool reservations be approved by the pickup location approver. The department associated with the location will have a list of employees specified on the motor pool tab that can approve.
5358 – Motor Pool Default Return Date from Estimated Return Date? (Y/N) - When this flag is set to "Y" the return date from the reservation will be defaulted into the return date on the pickup/return frame.
5366 - Motor Pool Daily Rate Calculation Method - If set to "1", the system will function as it currently does, that is, daily rate will be based on calendar date. The full daily rate will be charged for each day in which the vehicle was utilized. If set to "2", daily rate will be based on a 24 hour time frame calculated between the actual pick-up day/time and actual return day/time. For example, if a vehicle was picked up at 3:00pm on Monday and returned the following day at 10:00am, option "1" would charge for two days and option "2" would charge for one day. This system flag only applies when the Billing Method is set to Daily.
Role Privileges
MP ADJUSTMENT - Allows the user to make changes to a completed motor pool ticket including charges.
MP-MANAGER - If the user is granted this, they will be able to see all motor reservation that need to be approved.
MP-RESV-APPROVAL - If the user is granted this, they will be allowed to approve those motor pool reservations for their subordinates.
MP-RESV-ENTRY - If the user is granted this, then they are allowed to create motor pool reservations.
Last Updated: 06/12/2020
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.