Department Corporate Hierarchy

This Department Corporate Hierarchy frame allows you to create and maintain the levels and details of your organizational structure. This hierarchy first defines the primary levels of the structure and then assigns groups to each level. The groups can be assigned a Markup Scheme and Tax status.




You can create up to ten levels in your hierarchy. The Level Title field has a limit of 20 characters. Check the Mandatory Flag to make a certain level mandatory.


Once you have entered the desired number of Levels and entered the Level Titles and designated which levels are mandatory, click the Save button.


Organization Group Values:


The Label field has a limit of ten characters and the Description field has a limit of 30 characters.


System Flag 5129 will determine if you can enter a Markup Scheme. You can also designate a Tax Exempt status if desired. Click on save when you are done. You can add as many Organizational Group Values as your organization needs.




You can disable an Organizational Group Value by checking the Disabled flag in the row of the code you want to disable. Click Save to disable the value.




You can delete a Hierarchy Level or Organizational Group Value provided it is not in use by any other tables in the system. If it is in use, you will not be able to delete it from the system.


To delete a Level or Group Value that is not in use, click in the row of the code you want to disable to make it active. Click the Delete button (Red X) at the top of the frame. The selected row will turn red. Click Save to delete the record.


System Flags


5129 - Organizational level to set markup scheme (0 = department) - This is the level of the department hierarchy where the markup scheme exists. If 0 (default), the department itself will have the markup scheme. This flag cannot be changed via the application. Please contact M5 Support to have the flag value changed.


More on Department Hierarchy...

The Department Corporate Hierarchy feature allows you to establish departmental relationships to higher-level organizations in your company's structure.  For example, your organizational levels may be Division, Branch, Section and Cost Center.  A division may contain several Branches, a Branch may contain several Sections and a Section may contain several Cost Centers.  M5 allows up to ten levels for your organization.


After this Hierarchy is created, Departments can be assigned to each of these organizational levels on the Department Main screen. For each level, you can assign as many group value labels and descriptions as you need.  Each label identifies an organizational group that exists at that level.


See also Variable Markups, Labor Rates and Taxes.




Last Update: 06/06/2016




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.