Customer Main
The Customer Main frame allows you to capture and record general, customer-specific account information and maintain a subset of customer configurations. The customer-specific job and pricing details are setup on the Customer Contracts frame.
Customer Information:
The Customer ID field allows up to ten alphanumeric characters and is used at the primary key/identifier on the Customer table. The Description field is a free-form field that allows for up to 50 alphanumeric characters. The Status drop down allows you to set a customer as 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE'. The default value is active.
The General tab is the only tab on the frame and allows you to record general customer information. The first section covers the customer address and contact information.
You can also define an Owning Department for the customer. After that you can enter a default Initial Job Status. The LOV for this field pulls from the Job Status Codes frame.
Lastly, you can specify the Bill Frequency. There are two options: Monthly and Daily. The default value is Monthly. If Daily, Customer transactions will be billed in daily billing run (configured by the client), otherwise they will be billed normally (monthly).
Last Updated: 10/12/2017
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