Unit Group

The Unit Group frame allows you create and maintain groups of units based on certain requirements or similarities the units might share. Unit Groups can be used in the Unit Availability module.


For Unit Groups, the Availability Status Codes are associated, meaning when one unit is placed on a work order, the Availability Status for the rest of the group changes as well. The unit status code must also be set to Y for Allow Unit Group.



To create a new group, enter the Unit Group name and press tab or enter. You will receive a pop-up asking if you want to create the new group. Select Create to confirm the action.


Now you can enter the units that will be part of the group. Enter a valid unit number from Unit Main in the Unit No field. The description will automatically populate.


The Start Date will default to the current date. The Start LTD Usage automatically populates. To remove a unit from the group, enter a Stop Date and Stop LTD Usage. Select the Lead Unit checkbox to designate a unit as the lead for the unit group.


Once you have added the necessary units to the unit group. Click the SAVE button at the top of the frame.



To modify an existing unit group, enter the group name in the Unit Group field or double-click in the field to select one from the List of Values.


You can add new units, change information on existing units, or enter Stop Date or LTD Usage information for existing units. Select SAVE when changes are complete.




You can remove a unit from the group provided the information is not in use by any other tables in the system. If the unit group information is in use, you will not be able to delete a unit.


To delete a unit, select the row of the unit you want to delete to make it active. Select the DELETE button at the top of the frame. The selected row will turn red. Select SAVE to delete the unit.


See also:

Availability Status Code


Unit Main


Unit Status Codes




Last Update: 06/06/2016




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Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.