System Codes

The System Codes frame allows you to create and maintain a list of codes to define parts that function together as a system (for example, brake systems, exhaust systems, steering, suspension, or air conditioning).


M5 is delivered with a set of the current American Trucking Association (ATA) system codes. You can use them as they are or design your own and add them to the System Code list. Once these codes are established, assembly codes can be added to them on the System Assembly Codes frame.


How to:

Create a system code

  1. Enter a new code in the blank system Code field.
    Enter a code Description.

  2. Select the system code options (for example, Require Assembly), as applicable.

  3. Select Save.

Modify a system code

  1. Select the system Code row.
  2. Change the applicable System Codes value.
  3. Change the applicable fields.
  4. Select Save.

Note: When you select Save, the Code field is read-only.


Disable a system code

  1. Select the system Code row.
  2. Select the Disable checkbox.
  3. Select Save.

Delete a system code

  1. Select the system Code row.
  2. Select Delete. The system highlights the fields red.
  3. Select Save.

Note: You can only delete a system Code when it is not used on other tables in the system.


System Codes fields


Code Indicates the system code. Limited to two or three characters. The max length of this field depends on system flag 5001 setting.
Description Description of the system code. Limited to 45 characters.
Restrictions (link) Displays the System Codes Restrictions window that allows you to add restrictions to the system code by:
  • MCC Codes
  • Asset Types
  • Category Codes
  • Location Groups
  • Department Groups
  • Tech Spec Codes
Select >> to add a code to the restricted box, and then select Save. Select x to return to the System Codes frame.
The Restriction link will highlight as red after you add restriction.
Disable Select the checkbox to disable the system code.
Require Assembly Select the checkbox to require an assembly code with the system code. You will enable component codes first by adding them to the code on the System/Assembly Codes frame.
Cross Ref Customer specific field.
Part Charge Values are NEVER (default), SOMETIMES, ALWAYS for position codes on part charges.
Labor Charge Values are NEVER (default), SOMETIMES, ALWAYS for position codes on labor charges.
Comm Charge Values are NEVER (default), SOMETIMES, ALWAYS for position codes on commercial charges.
Unit Assoc Values are NEVER (default), SOMETIMES, ALWAYS for position codes on unit associations.
Priority Enter a number between one and nine.


System Flags


Flag No. Description Notes


Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code? This flag allows the user to define how they wish their job codes to display.  If "Y", a 3-char system code is needed with the job code like 02-013-0001.  If "N" (the default), M5 utilizes the standard job code like 02-13-001.


Use enhanced Repeat Repair system? Use enhanced Repeat Repair system.



See also:

System/Assembly Codes




Last Update: 06/06/2016                                03/2023




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.