Distributor Main

The Distributor Main frame allows you to create and maintain distributor records for use as delivery locations for Purchase Orders from valid M5 Vendors. The Distributor serves as a delivery location for receiving goods, verifying receipt and confirming the status of a purchase order.  




To create a new distributor, type a new distributor number in the Number field. This field has a limit of 12 characters. Press tab or enter. You will be prompted to confirm you want to create the new distributor. Click 'Create' to confirm.


Enter a Name/Description for the new distributor. This field has a limit of 40 characters.


The next two sections are for basic contact information and delivery address information. All fields are free form fields except the State and Country Codes.


Once the entry is complete, click the Save icon at the top of the frame. The new distributor record will be available for use on the Distributor tab of Vendor Main.




To modify an existing distributor, enter the distributor number in the Number field or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV). Make any necessary changes to the distributor record and click the Save icon when finished to update the record.




To disable a distributor, enter the distributor number or select one from the LOV. Select 'Yes' from the Disabled drop down and click the Save icon to disable the distributor record.




You can delete a distributor provided it is not in use by any other tables in the system. If the distributor number is in use, you will not be able to delete the record.


To delete a distributor that is not in use, enter the distributor number you want to delete or double click in the Number field to select it from the LOV. After the data has loaded, click the Delete icon (Red X) at the top of the frame.


You will receive a popup asking if you are sure you want to delete the distributor. Click 'Delete' to confirm the action.



Last Update: 06/10/2016



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Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.