The Core Tracking frame allows you to track and make changes to transactions involving cores removed from parts that need to be tracked for credit.
The main purpose of this frame is to track cores that have been removed from units/departments/components and stored until they can be shipped to the vendor or transferred to a central inventory location if applicable.
A core tracking record is created in the new Core Tracking screen after issuing a part with a core charge to a work order, unit, department or component. The core itself has a sequential id number to track it separately from other parts with the same part number on the Core tracking screen.
Core Tracking Results
Each Core Tracking Row displays the following data:
Part Number, Unit/Dept/Comp, Work Order, Job, Status, Qty, Unit Cost, Core Charge, Total Core Charge, Core Credit, Vendor, Core Ship To Loc, Core RMA#, Core PRO, Number, Core Adj Ind Acct, Core Credit Claim, Print?, Note
There are several statuses you can choose from for core transactions:
Once a part with a core has been issued and the record recorded on the Core Tracking frame, the status displays as 'Waiting' along with the Work Order/Unit details related to the core transaction.
You can review/adjust the core charge for the transaction and/or submit the Core Return Memo (report) to a particular vendor using the print icon. Once credit has been received, you can change the status to 'Finalized' to indicate receipt of the core credit.
When transferring a core, you must enter the receiving location. The core transfer happens automatically within M5 in that the location being sent the core does not to perform a "receive" for the core. It just appears on the Core Tracking frame for that location along with a note indicating the origin of the transfer.
Mass Core Claim
M5 Core Tracking gives you the ability to create a Mass Core Claim. An organization might choose to not charge the Work Order for the core cost and create a Core Claim to credit the core cost back to the Work Order. In doing so, they are only tracking the movement of the core. See System Flag 5251 below.
In order to create a mass claim, the part number must be the same, however, it can come from different work orders.
As an example: An organization has a core charge on brake shoes. The brake shoes are issued to multiple work orders. The Core Tracking frame will display these part issues in a 'Waiting' status. To add all of these issues to the same mass claim, they would check the 'Add to Claim' flag box. Then they would enter the Vendor and Total Core Charge.
The status on the part issues will change to 'Claim' after creating the mass core claim. The Mass Core Claim Result section displays the Status, Total Credit Amount, and Vendor. Using the Status drop down, you can track the movement of each core. 'Sent to Vendor' indicates the vendor has picked up the cores. 'Finalized' indicates a receipt of core charges.
System Flags
5208 - Use Core Tracking? (Y/N) - If set to 'Y', Core transactions are added to the Core Tracking frame. If set to 'N', Core transactions will not be added.
5251 - Create Core Claim from Core Tracking? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', you can create mass or core claim from the Core Tracking frame.
5276 - Automatically Select All Cores for Printing on the Core Tracking Frame? (Y/N) - If set to 'Y', automatically checks all cores that were queried for printing. A value of 'N' will select nothing, allowing the user to check only the cores that want to print.
Last Update: 06/27/2016
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.