The Part Transfer frame serves two functions. The first is as a query frame that allows you to search for and view all of the Part Transfer Requests at your current log in Location. The second is as the means for initiating or completing the transfer process once the parts are ready to ship.
Its important to note that this frame will display all transfer request for parts FROM your location. In order to view other requests at other locations you must log in to those locations specifically. However, you can filter by Receiving Location if you want to see transfers TO a specific location coming from your log in location.
You can use a variety of filter criteria to narrow the results on the Part Transfer Detail i-frame and there are Status filter flags that let you view requests in various stages of the transfer process.
A fair amount of System Flags can have an impact on the functionality of this frame and the Part Transfer process. Please see the System Flag section for more details.
Recv Location - Receiving Location for the Part Transfer. Must be a valid inventory location from Location Main.
Reserve Code - You can select ALL, Direct Account, Department, Indirect Account, Unit, Work Order from the drop down.
# of Days Back - Transfers within the last X amount of days are displayed, see System Flag 5156 to set a default value for this field.
Part No. - Part Number being requested, must be a valid part from Part Main.
Reserve Ref No. - Reference Number for the transaction, will depend on the value selected in the Reserve Code drop down (Direct Account, Department, Indirect Account, Unit, Work Order No.).
PRO-Number - 9 digits required, allows for generation of a Bill of Lading.
Manufacturer - Part Manufacturer, must be a valid manufacturer.
Vendor - Vendor for the part, must be a valid vendor from Vendor Main.
You can select the checkbox for one or multiple statuses:
The Part Transfer Detail i-frame gives you the ability to complete the transfer process by shipping parts that are ready to ship or by creating a transfer on the fly without a Part Transfer Request:
To cancel an In-Transit Part Transfer, select the Cancel checkbox. The Cancel functionality is only available for parts transfers that are in an IN-TRANSIT status.
To ship an existing request, enter a valid Employee ID number from Employee Main (must be a valid inventory employee). Next, enter the quantity in the Ship Qty field for the transfer record on the Part Transfer Detail i-frame. Enter a Lot Number or PRO-Number if applicable.
If the part is reserved to a Work Order, you can enter a job code from the work order in the Job Code field to issue the part directly to that work order.
When you are finished, select the SAVE button at the top of the frame to ship the parts and initiate the transfer. For multiple requests, you can select the Ship All Available button to ship all available parts.
System Flags
1058 - Type of pricing to use for inventory values?
1075 - Allow recd qty greater than ship qty?
1217 - Print Part Issue Ticket? 0 = no, 1 = on inventory issue, 2 = on part transfer, 3 = both
2035 - Retrieve inventory from frame loc(0) or job loc(1)
2039 - Search for part by bin
2055 - Allow Parts Receipts at zero price? ("N" overrides authorization)
5001 - Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code?
5010 - Client Prefix Code
5012 - Maximum number of Part Catalogue records for automatic search
5016 - Use Position Code on WO? (N - No, Y - Yes, A - Advanced)
5034 - Display Serial Number info. For Parts Transactions?
5145 - Print Part Pick ticket? 0 = no, 1 = on part issue, 2 = on part transfer, 3 = both. The default is 0. The Pick Ticket will not print from the Work Order.
5153 - Group Part Transfers and Part Transfer Requests by Customer Ticket Number? (Y/N) - If set to Y, then customer ticket number is required when creating part transfers and part transfer requests.
5156 - # of Days Back for Part Transfers - Value entered here will be default value for Part Transfer frame. For example, if set to 30, transfers within the last 30 days are displayed.
5210 - Restrict part stockness at location level? If set to Y, and the part master is non-stock, the part location can only be non-stock.
5224 - Enable lotted part logic? (Y/N)
5261 - Utilize Pick/Ship Functionality for Part Transfers? (Y/N) - If set to Y, M5 will apply pick/ship functionality to part transfers.
5316 - Prevent M5 from Automatically Loading Records on the Part Transfer Frame? (Y/N) - If set to Y, M5 will prevent the i-frame from loading records automatically upon visiting the frame. If set to N, the i-frame will automatically load record each time you navigate to the frame, prior to filters or selection criteria being entered.
5320 - Add Reference Number on Part Transfer and Part Transfer Request? (Y/N) - If set to Y, M5 will add the Reference Number column to the Part Transfer and Part Transfer Request frames on the part line items. The Reference Number field will also display on the header of Part Transfer frame. The Part Requisition process will validate the reference numbers when creating transfer requests. If set to N, the field will not display on the frames and Part Requisitions will not validate the number.
5414 - Allow selected Part Transfers to be excluded from min/max Part calculations?
5468 - Default Vendor for Part Transfer Transactions. This value will be used for all Parts Transfers where there is no Primary Vendor set for the part at the Sending Location, Receiving Location, or Part Catalog levels. If this value is null, you will not be able to transfer parts without a Primary Vendor set at one of those levels. The Vendor entered here must exist in M5 and must be active to issue part transfers.
Role Privileges
NOT FORCE TRANSFERS - If a user has this privilege, M5 will not force them to transfer parts requested by locations when receiving stock inventory on the Part Receive frame.
INSERT PART INVENTRY - Allows a user to add a part to their location on the Inventory Location Manager frame.
NEW STKPRT LOC - Allows all users by default to preserve existing functionality. Determines whether to display the pop-up, "part does not exist at receiving location, receive as stock part, receive as non-stock part." If the user has only this privilege they will only see "create as stock part."
NEW NSTKPRT LOC - Allows all users by default to preserve existing functionality. Determines whether to displays the pop-up, "part does not exist at receiving location, receive as stock part, receive as non-stock part." If the user has only this privilege they will only see "create as non-stock part."
For more details see the Inventory Application User Training Guide.
Last Updated: 08/13/2019, 02/2024
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.