The Key Performance Indicators frame allows you to create and maintain the configuration parameters and SQL code that make up your Key Performance Indicators. Once created, these KPIs are assembled on the Operational Dashboards of your users.
As you create your KPIs keep in mind that they may be utilized by different dashboard users who will need to configure variables according to different locations, date ranges, and other parameters. They will do this on the Edit Dashboard Page screen.
If you are comfortable writing SQL, you may create your KPIs on this screen. A full set of standard KPIs is available on the AssetWorks Community website. Consult the M5 Support Team or Project Manager for assistance in retrieving them for your use.
To view or modify a KPI, double click in the KPI field to select one, or you can enter the name in the field. You may modify the Valid Duration, Iterations, Output Type and XML Graph Type.
If the Output type is count, you may select any M5 Detail Frame or Report to be displayed with the KPI on the Operational Dashboard. Select the frame or report name that relates to the selected indicator. For instance, if you are querying the database for information about Units, you might want to display Unit Main here.
If a KPI is no longer being used or is having performance issues, click the Disabled box. The KPI SQL Text contains the SQL statement that queries the M5 database. You can make any changes here if you are comfortable writing SQL.
To create a new KPI enter a new KPI Name This field has a limit of 30 alphanumeric characters. Press tab or enter and confirm the creation of the new KPI.
Next, enter a Description - up to 60 alphanumeric characters. Then enter the Valid Duration, Iterations, Output Type and XML Graph Type. The Series Name Lookup SQL field is used to translate the first column of the XML data into a description for use on the graph.
Use the Syntax :<COL1> to indicate where the column 1 value is substituted in the SQL command. The purpose of the Series Name Lookup SQL field is to customize the legend titles on the graphs produced by the SQL. Otherwise the XML Graphic uses the first field in the SQL select statement as the default legend for the graph.
If the Output type is count, you may select any M5 Detail Frame or Report to be displayed with the KPI on the Operational Dashboard. Select the frame or report name you want linked to the KPI.
You have the option to append an &SENDING= query string to the Details Frame/Reports field on the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) screen for KPIs calling the Work Order Main screen to indicate what the KPI is sending.
This functionality allows users to avoid the “what is this” popup generated by M5 when the number passed could be more than one entity on the Work Order Main screen, i.e., the number could match two or more of the following: a work order number, unit number, department number, component number, or an alternate unit number.
W = Work Order (&SENDING=W)
U = Unit Number (&SENDING=U)
D = Department Number (&SENDING=D)
C = Component (&SENDING=C)
A = Alternate Unit Number (&SENDING=A)
The Send Key column value must match the select order. If the object is the first select column, then the Send Key column value must be 1. If it’s the second column, then the value must be 2.
Then, enter the SQL text commands and variables that will be executed. Click the 'Save' button at the top of the frame when finished.
CURRENT_LOCATION - Current login location.
DEFAULT_LOCATION - User setup default location. If not configured, current login location is used.
USERID - Unique ID of application user.
USERNAME - Current application user.
TZ_OFFSET - Client server offset.
USERROLE - Role associated with current login user.
USERLANG - Current language for login user.
NOTE: the WITH verb is now allowed in KPI SQL in both Oracle and SQL Server environments.
NOTE: do not use the -- value in your KPI SQL statements to comment out sections. This symbol will cause a problem where the rest of the statement is commented as well.
For more information, see the System Administration Application User Training guide.
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.