The Database User Maintenance frame allows you to create and maintain the Database Users that are necessary when using Oracle for the database with your M5 System. NOTE: SQL Server does not require these database users.
Once created, you can assign database users to Application User Roles and multiple Roles can use the same database user ID. Using this approach will reduce the number of distinct database users you have to create and manage. This function is normally performed by your System Administrator.
As part of your implementation planning you should consult with your Oracle DBA and create database users that are consistent in style with the current database username structure. M5 is delivered with a database username of CSI already created. DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE THE CSI DATABASE USER. It is used for installing and configuring your M5 system.
To create a new Database User, enter a new User ID in the User Information field. This field has a limit of 30 characters (Alphanumeric). After pressing tab or enter, you will be asked to confirm you want to create the new Database User. Click 'Create'.
Next, enter a Description for the Database User. This field has a limit of 60 alphanumeric characters. The status will default to 'Active' (after saving you can choose from Active, Inactive, Reporting - This Company Only, Reporting - All Companies).
Lastly, enter a password that conforms to the system password standards as determined by the System Flags. Click the 'Save' button at the top of the frame when finished.
As you assign the new Database User to Application User Roles, those roles will display on the i-frame below the User Information section.
System Flags
5060 - Minimum Password Length - Defines the minimum password length for both Application Users and Database Users.
5061 - This flag determines how the password is to be generated. L = lowercase, U = uppercase, 9 = any number and @ = special character. So if the user value = ULL, that is saying somewhere in the password (based on length defined in 5060), there must be at least one uppercase letter and 2 lowercase letters. Only the following special characters can be used # $ + = _ to allow consistency across databases, Crystal and M5.
5069 - Enforce Password Length and Mask? (Y/N) - If set to "Y" passwords entered into M5 must meet the minimum length set by mod flag 5060 and diversity of characters defined by mod flag 5061. This flag applies to both Application Users and Database Users.
For more details see the System Administration Application User Training guide.
Last Updated: 06/14/2018
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.