Holiday Calendar

The Holiday Calendar frame allows you to designate days that are Company Holidays on the Fiscal Calendar. Various Employee Modules refer to these days for payroll processing.


Add Dates to the Holiday Calendar


  1. Enter the Fiscal Year. Existing holidays automatically display in the Holiday Information i-frame.

  2. In a blank row, enter the Date or double-click in the field to select a date from the calendar. The Day of Week automatically displays.

  3. Enter the Indirect Account code for the holiday.

  4. Enter a user-defined Holiday Description. Limited to 24 characters.

  5. Enter a Location Group or select from the Group Location List.

  6. Select SAVE to save the holiday and to refresh the frame with the holidays in order by date.


The Batch Process PLANNED ABSENCES needs to run in order to see the holidays on the Labor Time Card frame. The holiday applies to all location groups when you do not enter a Location Group.


Delete a Holiday Record


  1. Enter the Fiscal Year. Existing holidays automatically display in the Holiday Information i-frame.

  2. Select the holiday Date to delete.

  3. Select DELETE at the top of the frame. The row highlights red.

  4. Select SAVE to delete the holiday record.

Note: You are unable to delete a holiday from the Holiday Calendar when it is used by other tables in the application.





Last Update: 06/06/2016, 10/2023




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Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.